Hey, lookit that!

Thank you!!

You voted Postcards from the Mothership to the final round of voting in the Canadian Blog Awards! YAY!!!! I’m so honoured, thank you!

So now you know what you have to do, right? It’s rather obvious that I need something else to obsess over for the next eight days, and this seems like a lovely choice. In 2005 I got a bronze for best new blog, and last year the silver for best family blog — could I be so bold as to dream of… ack, I can’t even say it out loud. You only have one vote this round (or, at least, one vote per computer, yanno, I’m just sayin’, if you happen to be at home AND at work…) and I’d be honoured if you’d vote for me again. I promise, no more voting requests for a very long time!!

Although I’m truly disappointed that my nominations in the Family Blog category (Mad and Mama Tulip) and Best Personal Blog (Suz ) didn’t make it to this round of voting, I’m delighted to see that Cinnamon Gurl’s Write About Here has also made the final round for Best Photo/Art blog and Ali’s Juice has made it to Best Entertainment/Cultural blog, so vote for them too, okay?

Thank you again for your support in this, and in everything. I’m drunk on hormones and the bloggy love, and just moments away from standing up on the table to either publicly declare my love for all of you, strip, or fall over flat on my face. (You can see why I don’t drink much anymore.) So thanks, and what the hell are you still doing here? Git over there and VOTE already!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

3 thoughts on “Hey, lookit that!”

  1. I voted for ya! But that was a toughie ’cause I also read Don Mills Diva. Good luck!
    PS – I also voted for Ali ‘ cause I’ve been reading her since she was on blogspot.

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