In which she tries to get her head out of her uterus

I’ve been spending a lot of time blogging in my head lately, but can’t for the life of me get a full post out of any of it. Some random bits of flotsam and jetsam:

I have to blog my appreciation of the Canadian kids’ clothing chain Please Mum. I’ve always liked the quality of their clothes, and was so impressed with the winter parka that lasted Tristan two years that I bought both boys their winter parkas there this year. Tristan’s was fine, but Simon’s had a wonky zipper right from the start. Not a big deal, but enough to be an annoyance and prevent Simon from being able to zip up his own coat most of the time. Then, last week the coat split under the arm when Beloved went to boost Simon into the van, and a couple of days ago the zipper suddenly spazzed out entirely and popped open every time I zipped it up.

Fed up fighting with it, I brought the coat back to the store this week. I had no receipt, and told the clerk that while I generally admire the quality of Please Mum’s merchandise, this one had obviously been made at a quarter to five on the Friday of a long weekend.

She took a look at the various offending bits and clucked her tongue. She not only refunded my purchase price (already reduced once when I brought it in for a price adjustment three weeks after I bought it) but gave it to me in cash instead of as a store credit. “That should never happen,” was all she said when I told her that I was truly impressed with the customer service. So, props to Please Mum! (They have a great special on right now where you will get $25 off a $50 purchase — good deals to be had! And no, I’m not blogging any of this for any reason except I think stories of decent retailers and excellent customer service need to be noted and shared.)


Something smells a little sketchy in the bottom of my refrigerator, but I cannot for the life of me convince myself to sit on the floor and start searching for it. Sometimes these things just clear up on their own, right?


Oh my god, is WonderPets (click through at your own peril!!) not the most annoying children’s show ever? Seriously, I’ve seen it three times since I’ve been home on maternity leave and I want to scratch my eyes out every single time it comes on. Why do they sing everything? And why the fuck does that duck lisp like that? I don’t know if I can take a whole year of this.


Telling a pregnant woman to drink an additional three to four cups of raspberry leaf tea a day to induce labour is somebody’s idea of a practical joke, right? Or am I supposed to pee the baby out?


Tristan had a school project this week. It was his turn for “All About Me” week at school and he had to draw up a series of pictures on themes to be presented to the class, like, “My favourite food is (meatballs, pogos, lollipops and ice cream)” and “My favourite colour is (red)” and “When I grow up, I want to be (a racecar driver)” and “My favourite thing about me is (my blond fuzzy hair).” The very last statement was “I am special because…” and I was quite curious how he’d answer that one. Imagine the melted hormonal puddle I became when he answered it thusly: “I am special because my mommy and daddy love me.” Couldn’t you just hug him to bits?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

13 thoughts on “In which she tries to get her head out of her uterus”

  1. I know I’m going to get flak for this… but my uncle (a retired obstetrician) suggested Gin as a means of bringing on labour with both of my kids. I didn’t want to drink while pregnant (duh..!) so I checked it out with my ObGyn first – she said go for it – the baby’s fully developed and ready to go anyways! Lo and behold, I made myself a good stiff drink, had a great sleep and woke up the next morning in labour… both times! Worth a shot….(no pun intended)

  2. The Girl loves the WonderPets. I tolerate it because the WonderPets like celery, so she has decided she likes it, too.

    Lazytown makes me want to go on a killing spree. I think it’s Icelandic (seriously!), and it’s about some creepy dude in a blue unitard and the underage girl he cavorts with. No, thanks.

  3. I’m a big fan of Please Mum. We got Mimi the cutest pink fuzzy hat there when we were in Vancouver about 3 years ago — I’ve never found another like it here in the US. Their clothes are adorable and really age-appropriate.

  4. Tristan’s project gets a great big Aaaaaaaawww. How perfectly lovely.

    I kinda like the WonderPets opera thing. (“This is serious!”) But I didn’t have to watch it for long before Snuggly Girl outgrew it.

    Continuing with the uterus-appropriate captchas, I’ve got “admissions been.”

  5. I will happily watch WonderPets if it means we’re not watching Dora the Explorer. I even prefer Go, Diego! Go to Dora. If I had my druthers, we’d watch Pocoyo but that is more for kids 18 months to 2.5 years, I think. Bad mother confession: I have listened to my iPod when Reid was watching shows and sitting on my lap. She watches the same episodes repeatedly and so I can still discuss them (that is how I rationalize it, anyway).

  6. I swear that using my breast pump helped to kick out Baby Brookie.

    The one thing I like about Wonder Pets is that my Sierra now thinks Broccoli is celery and asks to eat it all the time! This is serious! Thank you Wonder Pets! Well I’m off now to go shopping at Please Mum! Thanks for the heads up – maybe they’ll have coats on sale that’ll fit the gals next year?

  7. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but AFAIK, the point of the tea is to tone your uterus, not induce labor, per se. So for it to have any effect you have to be drinking it all along; last 2 weeks before EDD doesn’t matter. (Although all the peeing= good Kegel opportunities?)

    I’m telling you–prenatal massage with accupressure. No WonderPets allowed.

  8. How incredibly sweet of Tristan!

    I like Please Mom, too – I have found some really nice stuff at consignment stores ’cause it holds up so well.

    Maybe getting down on your knees to scrub out the fridge will bring on labour (especially if the wonky smell turns your stomach)? (sorry for the image)

  9. When Jake was small I swore by Please Mum clothes, and generally that was all he wore. They were the only brand that actually outlasted him and they washed and wore really nicely. Plus they have wonderful sales, I’ve always had amazing customer service, and the styles are just so darn cute. 🙂

    I admit I was a little sad when he got too old to wear their clothes anymore.

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