Cuz I don’t have enough on my plate right now

I’ve written over 950 posts in less than three years, writing at least one post a day on weekdays the vast majority of the time. What’s a few extra posts on the weekend to an already overbooked schedule?

So yes, I’ve signed up for National Blog Posting Month, otherwise known as NaBloPoMo, starting November 1st.

I did this last year, too, and with 10 days left in the month I had my miscarriage. In the end, I think it was incredibly cathartic to force myself to keep blogging through it, unpleasant as it may have been to read along as I struggled back to normalacy. Looking back I’m kind of glad I was stubborn enough to keep posting just because I said I’d keep posting. Here’s hoping this year is a lot less traumatic, at the very least!

This year, NaBloPoMo host Mrs Kennedy has launched a fancy-ass new Facebooky-type social networking site specifically for NaBloPoMo, and if you sign up we can be “friends” and you can join the Canadian Parent Bloggers group. Isn’t that exciting? Cuz I need another social networking site like I need a hole in the head. I mean, I’ve already had to give up Facebook entirely, except for my precious Scrabulous games… at which I’m undefeated, I might add. (But I’m stuck in a lull of one-point letters lately, and I suspect I’m going down soon.)

Ahem, so yes, NaBloPoMo. 30 posts in 30 days. Honestly, I don’t think I’ll even break a sweat. I got lots to say. Want to play along?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

10 thoughts on “Cuz I don’t have enough on my plate right now”

  1. Last year I was referring to it as NoGoBloMe, but secretly it’s because I found out too late and couldn’t participate.

    This year I’d be psyched to do it, but with the baby due, I’ll be happy if I post once a week this November.

    Good luck! Can’t wait to read all about it.

  2. So…are you going to start a notebook of post ideas? I swore I’d do that for this year when I was stuck in the hell of Day 16….(otherwise known as You’ve Come This Far, Why End It Now mixed -like a bad drink- with But I Have Nothing To Say) but I probably won’t get around to it…

    Any other ideas? I know there’s some conduct code about not blogging about the weather or what you ate for lunch…..

  3. I love scrabulous. I am also undefeated- but only in the ‘golf’ sense of the word. I have a perfect record for the lowest score! ah well. It is a good humility check. 🙂

  4. What?! There are *rules* about what you can and can’t blog? Sheesh! Can’t say I noticed that before.

    I always have a little list of ideas going (some days littler than others!), but having a few themes to riff on is always a good idea. Not that I’m organized enough to actually do any advanced prep work. Most days it’s just a matter of opening the WordPress interface and staring meaningfully at it until it fills with enough words to publish.

    Sin, you should totally do it! C’mon, all the other kids are doing it!

    (And, er, yeah, did I neglect to mention I’m undefeated in a total of about four games? But still! Maybe I should quit while I’m ahead?)

  5. I like the idea of picking a theme for a month and writing about that, whether it be a news story, your weight loss, your pregnancy, etc… that would be fun, but I’d have to think of a theme I could write about everyday!
    Dani, would you be posting completely different posts from your blog here? So you’d be doing double the work?

  6. Loukia, no – that would be way too much, even for me. The challenge is simply to post every day November. Since I already do that every weekday (for the most part), adding a few posts on the weekends shouldn’t be much of a stretch. (She said optimistically.)

  7. I would join in but I’ll be doing NaNoWriMo instead. That’ll be me drowning in a sea of rubbish, okay?

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