Cuz I don’t have enough on my plate right now

I’ve written over 950 posts in less than three years, writing at least one post a day on weekdays the vast majority of the time. What’s a few extra posts on the weekend to an already overbooked schedule?

So yes, I’ve signed up for National Blog Posting Month, otherwise known as NaBloPoMo, starting November 1st.

I did this last year, too, and with 10 days left in the month I had my miscarriage. In the end, I think it was incredibly cathartic to force myself to keep blogging through it, unpleasant as it may have been to read along as I struggled back to normalacy. Looking back I’m kind of glad I was stubborn enough to keep posting just because I said I’d keep posting. Here’s hoping this year is a lot less traumatic, at the very least!

This year, NaBloPoMo host Mrs Kennedy has launched a fancy-ass new Facebooky-type social networking site specifically for NaBloPoMo, and if you sign up we can be “friends” and you can join the Canadian Parent Bloggers group. Isn’t that exciting? Cuz I need another social networking site like I need a hole in the head. I mean, I’ve already had to give up Facebook entirely, except for my precious Scrabulous games… at which I’m undefeated, I might add. (But I’m stuck in a lull of one-point letters lately, and I suspect I’m going down soon.)

Ahem, so yes, NaBloPoMo. 30 posts in 30 days. Honestly, I don’t think I’ll even break a sweat. I got lots to say. Want to play along?