International Delurking Week!

Hey you! Yes, I’m talking to you, the one who drops by here almost every day and never says a peep. You read, you leave a digital footprint, you go, and I have no idea who you are.

Guess what, today is your day. As read on Mimilou, according to Papernapkin, it’s International DeLurking Week! (Actually, they said it was National DeLurking Week, but we’ve crossed the border and now it’s an International incident.)

So drop me a note and say hello. If it’s your first time here, or if you drop by every day – whatever, just click on the comment link and have at it.

You know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it. Don’t make me beg, I really have no shame…

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

34 thoughts on “International Delurking Week!”

  1. Well, actually I’ve commented before, but not everyday. I like your blog, though, and if you’re taking roll then you can count me. Ooh, and I’m first, too!

  2. I got delurked, and the doctor said it will never grow back!
    I’ll try to comment more…really, I will…

  3. Like Nancy, I de-lurked long ago as well.
    Admittedly, I still read and don’t always leave a comment. Phew…I’m glad I got that off of my chest :o)

  4. Delurking… was happy to find a cool Canadian blog, and have enjoyed reading over the last month since
    I found you (don’t remember how…)

  5. OK, OK. I am here. I drop by almost everyday and I am never disappointed. Its like a form of reality TV but with much more intelligent discussion and expression. I love your writing style (and yes, I voted for you many times!!). So you ‘delurked’ me (although the post on John Cusack almost brought me out of hiding…yummmmy!!)

  6. Hi Dani,
    I’ll delerk too! I try to read at least once a week if not more! If I’m lucky, it is more than that!
    Hope you get hunderds more de-lurking!

  7. Lurk ma – No hands!!
    Hi. I’m a first time caller – long time listener. Okay, maybe I’m not a first time caller. Okay, okay, I also don’t listen too well either. I have to admit though that I am often a closet lurker too. Sometimes I just have nothing more to contribute. I read blog every day though. Good blog. Nice blog. Pretty blog…my precious…ew creepy lurker!
    Keep up the good verk.

  8. I found you a while ago, I think via Ann Douglas. It’s nice to read other Canadian blogs.
    I live in SK, and I’m a mom to 5 year old triplets.
    I’m also hooked on LibraryThing, although it’s taking me forever to get our books catalogued. I see we have some children’s books in common.
    I’ve had my eye on Atwood’s Penelopeiad, and you’ve convinced me to buy it. Sounds like a strange and marvelous trip, vintage Atwood.
    Best wishes,

  9. WOW!!! That was fun, more please!!
    So nice to “meet” you, Alissa, Sheila, Tania, Working Mommy in Boonieville and Sahara. I’m glad you said hello. And the rest of you, well, you might not be lurkers but I’m ‘lurkey’ to have you reading! (Hey, punning is an art form!)
    Sheila, I just finished the Penelopiad last night – it was good. As you said, vintage Atwood.
    Batman – I’m still laughing. You crack me up, I’m so glad you lurk!
    xo Dani

  10. P.S. I am also still snickering at Working Mommy’s comment about how it’s like reality TV around here. For some reason, that tickles me pink. I hope I’m like one of those really obnoxious reality shows that make Jerry Springer seem like Masterpiece Theatre!

  11. Hey, your comments are working! About time.
    Though I don’t think I count as a lurker when you know where I live and all. Happy de-lurking week!

  12. Hello Paxye and welcome! As for the rest of you, sheesh, you have a reserved seat at the bar and you call yourselves lurkers? Hardly!

  13. I am de lurking , I think. I read though;-) Not sure if I have left a comment before but I get all my good ideas and memes from you via Suze(work in progress)hahah

  14. YO Dani! I’ll come out of the shadows today and then back in my lurking hole. Emily is having a playdate with her supposed best friend today and the other two girls are napping (there is a God). Thanks for the good reads!

  15. Wow, I think this is the highest comment total ever! Welcome Michelle, Tanya, Kate and Laura – so many new blogs to read, where will I find the time? And Donna, I’m so glad you popped out to say hello! I’m honoured you’d spend a few precious minutes visiting here!
    xo Dani

  16. Delurking a bit late. I’m in Ottawa too, and read blog every day. Thanks for the great blogging!

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