A Thinking Blogger – that’s me!

I’ve been had an honour bestowed upon me which is also a tag, a meme that is an award. Because you know this motherhood thing? It’s all about the multitasking. The clever, witty and insightful Mad Hatter has kindly tagged me with the Thinking Blogger’s Award.

Nice, eh? She nominated me on the basis of my little rant on child care, but she said that it was your comments, from all points on the political spectrum, which increased the “think factor.” I’ve long known this little blog of mine wouldn’t be half the fun it is if it weren’t for you guys, so we can share this little award.

And speaking of sharing, it’s all about the sharing. Now I’m supposed to come up with five other Thinking Bloggers worthy of nomination. Except at least three of my favourites have already been tagged. Am I allowed to repeat? No? Okay, but I’m a little behind on my blog reading and this is spreading like the flu through preschool, so I hope I’m quick enough.

First off, I’d like to tag Phantom Scribbler. I heart Phantom. She has a way of using her own life as a lens to examine some weighty issues, and while she’s opinionated as hell, she’s never didactic. I like that in a smart blogger. But I’m nominating her for this particular honour because of a recent post written in response to a recent article in New York Magazine called the “Power (and Peril) of Praising Your Kids.” I thought the idea of over-praising your kids was totally bogus until I read her post and the subsequent comments from the Pixies. One of many, many posts that I’ve found myself contemplating long after my browser window was closed.

Next, I’d like to tag Kerry at Popwatch Canada for her post on religion a week or so back. She also posts great Grey’s Anatomy recaps, and has an obsession with Justin Timberlake that continues to perplex me, but threaded through the shiny bits about pop culture, Kerry blogs some pretty interesting ideas and opinions. And I’m not just saying that because she writes my performance reviews, or because my boys are both in love with her and she may yet end up to be my daughter-in-law some day.

My next nomination goes not to a particular post, but to the blog The Smartmouth Mombie in general. For starters, I love any blog with a permanent preamble that says something like “This is what a feminist writes like.” Like the other blogs I’ve tagged so far, Chris strikes a lovely balance between weighty thought pieces and ‘minutiae of mothering’ pieces.

Sadly, my next nominee has gone on temporary hiatus. Angry Pregnant Lawyer is freshly back at work after maternity and painfully sleep deprived. I already miss her quick wit and cutting sarcasm, and I have learned a lot about American culture and politics from her. And yes, that’s a compliment!

And finally, my last tag goes to JF Scientist at A Natural Scientist. I’ve only just started reading this blog, but Jenny writes, according to her tag line, about “science, education, feminism and religion.” I love love love her “ask a scientist” series, and the incredibly wide scope of her posts. I never know what I’ll find when I drop by, but I am assured I’ll learn something – often something I didn’t know I needed to know, but sure enough, turns out I did.

Wow, this was way harder than I thought. I tried to wander away from my usual favourites with this process. Thanks again to Mad Hatter for nominating me, and if reading my nominees makes you crave even more thinking bloggers, there’s five more back at Mad Hatter’s place, and five more at Bub and Pie’s place, too. I’m not going to get any work done at this rate!

Love Meme Tender

A friend sent me this via e-mail, and I thought it would make a nice Valentine’s Day post.

10 people I love:
Beloved, Tristan, Simon, my mom, my dad, Sean, Natalie, Noah, Brooke and Katie. (Okay, so Katie is a dog, but I’m not sure she knows that.)

9 movies I love:
Star Wars, The Princess Bride, Moulin Rouge, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, Fight Club, Casablanca, A Christmas Story, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

8 words I love:
Serendipity, Mommy, Free, Obtuse, Seriously, Peccadillo, Scribble, eh

7 books I love:
Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw, An Acre of Time, On Writing, Generation X, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, The Time Traveler’s Wife, the dictionary

6 songs I love:
Good Mother, Jann Arden
Clumsy, Our Lady Peace
Danny’s Song, Kenny Loggins
Blow at High Dough, The Tragically Hip
What a Good Boy, Barenaked Ladies
It’s Not Easy, Five for Fighting

5 TV shows I love:
Survivor, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, My Name is Earl, Corner Gas, The Rick Mercer Report

4 foods I love
Guacamole, barbequed steak, take-out, delivery

3 places I love
The Pont Neuf in Paris, my bed, Britannia Beach

2 quotes I love
“I used to be a 34D, now I’m a 34 long.” (I’m sure this is Carol Burnett, but I can’t find the reference anywhere!)
“I love deadlines. I like the wooshing sound they make as they go by.” Douglas Adams

1 thing to love about me
My decisiveness. No wait! My dimples, cuz I’m pretty sure they get me laid. No wait, I can’t say that, my mother read this blog. Okay, how about my sense of humour?

And now! I’m not going to tag anyone with this, but if you do decide to snag this meme, leave a note in the comments and I’ll amend the post after the fact to link to you.

Edited to add: Hooray! Bex played along!
And Sharon did, too! So did Shan and Mrs Gryphon!

A Friday comment game

I went nearly 48 hours without Internet access while I was in Kingston, and ironically, one of the main things we discussed at the conference was new communication technology and social media. It was really interesting, and I can’t wait to get to work on some of that stuff with my day job.

But today, I’m drawing a blank. I’m playing “stay at home mom” today, because our caregiver is out of town, and I’ve got one of those headaches. I have no idea what to write about.

Hey, it’s been a while since we’ve played a comment game. You seem to like them. Wanna play?

I think it’s been almost a year since we played this one. First person names a famous actor/actress (i.e. Nicole Kidman). The next person names a movie that person played in (i.e. Moulin Rouge). Next person names a person who was in that movie (i.e. Ewan McGregor). Next person names a movie that person was in (i.e. Trainspotting). Hint: IMDB is your friend!

Ready? Let’s start with… Matthew Broderick.

Friday night’s alright for memes

As seen at About Miche and Raising WEG:

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon’s Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


You are Spider-Man

You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Spider-Man 90%

Superman 80%

Iron Man 70%

Robin 62%

Hulk 60%

The Flash 60%

Green Lantern 55%

Catwoman 50%

Supergirl 40%

Wonder Woman 40%

Batman 30%

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

(Or, maybe the supervillan quiz is more your style?)

International delurking week

Hey you! Yes, you! The one who sashays over here, checks out what’s new, and leaves without a peep. I’m talking to YOU!

I see you visiting, you know. I wonder who you are, and why you visit, and whether you like what you are reading. I wonder why you come often, but never say hello.

Well, this week is International Delurking Week, and you are morally obligated to leave a comment. It doesn’t have to be a pithy comment, or a witty comment, or a verbose comment. Just say hello, for goodness sake. I don’t ask much (okay, so that’s a lie, I shamelessly ask for stuff all the time), but today I’m asking, nay impelling you, to give up a little comment in return.

(Props to Paper Napkin for the idea, and the funky graphic. Go say hello to Sheryl and pick up a graphic of your own!)

Now go forth and comment on all your favourite blogs. Share the bloggy love!

I’m hardly surprised

As seen at Mimilou and Angry Pregnant Lawyer:

The True Neurotic
You scored 65 anxiety, 87 awkwardness, and 70 neuroticism!
Congratulations, you are The True Neurotic, you nail-biting, conflict-avoiding worrier, you. You’re plagued by self-doubt and anxiety, which makes social activity hard–even though you may be well-liked, you feel under a storm of silent criticism. It doesn’t help that people give you funny looks for organizing all your pens by color or sharpening your gnawed pencils to a delicate point.

Your high anxiety score implies that you are unable to relax, worry about the future often, and probably are plagued by irrational fears and self-doubt.

Your high awkwardness score implies that you are socially inept, probably stick out from the crowd, and feel uncomfortable in large groups of people, such as at parties.

Your high neuroticism score implies that you exhibit neurotic behaviors–probably organization, fanatic obsessions (can you recite the entire first LOTR movie?), repetitive mantras, constant checking, or orderly rituals.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 99% on anxiety

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You scored higher than 99% on awkwardness

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You scored higher than 99% on neuroticism

Link: The Neurotic Test

The iPod knows all!

Can’t remember where I saw this originally, but I know Phantom Scribbler and Scrivenings have done it. I’ve had it bookmarked since before I got my iPod, but just stumbled across it when cleaning up some old files. And since we’re on vacation this week, it’s a perfect time to drag out an old meme everybody on the interwebs except me has done!

Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.

How does the world see you?
Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears
(no, really!!)

Will I have a happy life?
Gift Shop – The Tragically Hip
(hey, as my mother always said – if love me, buy me things!)

What do my friends really think of me?
Poets – The Tragically Hip
(I swear, I am NOT making this shit up!)

Do people secretly lust after me?
You are the Sunshine of my Life – Stevie Wonder
(we walked down the aisle to this song – maybe this signifies the end of lust??)

How can I make myself happy?
I don’t like Mondays – The Boomtown Rats
(Given. So I should avoid Mondays?)

What should I do with my life?
Hello City – Barenaked Ladies
(That’s a bit more cryptic, isn’t it? This song is about Halifax. I am NOT moving to Halifax, no offense to the Haligonians in the audience. Nor, for that matter, do I plan to spend any more time than necessary as a bare naked lady.)

Will I ever have children?
Twist my Arm – The Tragically Hip
(The Hip answers are all the cleverest ones, aren’t they? Maybe it’s a sign. I’ve always had a musical crush on Gord Downie.)

What is some good advice for me?
Fly from Heaven – Toad the Wet Sprocket
(Um – I think I’ll just leave that one alone.)

How will I be remembered?
Hot Child in the City – Nick Guilder
(okay, I may be remembered for any one of a thousand things, but all modesty aside, “hot” will never be one of them. And I’m fine with that.)

What is my signature dancing song?
She Loves me like a Rock – Paul Simon
(hey, it’s got a good beat at least…)

What do I think my current theme song is?
Pretty in Pink – The Psychedelic Furs
(okay, that was weird enough to make the hair on the back of my arms stand up)

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Home for a Rest – Spirit of the West
(appropriate after a weekend visiting my brother’s family)

What song will play at my funeral?
It’s a Kind of Magic – Queen
(should have been “who wants to live forever” if we’re doing Queen.)

What type of men/women do you like?
Men: Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of – U2
Women: Somebody Told Me – The Killers

What is my day going to be like?
The one I Love – R.E.M.
(well, I’m spending the day with the ones I loves)

That was fun! Let me know if you haven’t done it and you decide to play along!

The year in review

Filched from Angry Pregnant Lawyer. The year in review, by posting the first sentence of the first blog post of each month of 2006.

  1. What happened to my baby?
  2. Although today is Simon’s birthday (and thank you for all the birthday wishes!), we celebrated it with the family last Saturday.
  3. Sorry about yesterday’s blatant cry for sympathy.
  4. Last week after I posted about demanding public funding for IVF, I exchanged a series of e-mails with Janet, a regular blog reader from elsewhere in Ontario.
  5. Today’s review is being written not at the 10-pages-in point, but after I have read the whole book.
  6. Marla wrote a great, rambling post the other day (you think I ramble? You ain’t seen from ramble ‘till you’ve been to Marla’s place) about how ideas for a blog post just jumped out and hurled themselves at her over the course of a rather strange afternoon.
  7. I’m never going to get around to writing the epic post that sums up our sojourn in la Belle Province, so I’ve decided to cover it in a series of vignettes instead.
  8. I’ve spent a lot of this past week and a half pretty much obsessed with my breasts.
  9. I can see you rolling your eyes.
  10. Eight days.
  11. The boys had a terrific halloween, and by extension, so did I.
  12. All I can say at this point is thank the deity of your choice that November is finally over.

It has an oddly poetic narrative, don’t you think?

When in doubt, meme!

Stolen from Barb at NorthernMom, a lazy Monday meme:

The ones in bold are the ones I’ve done.

01. bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. swam with wild dolphins
03. climbed a mountain (it wasn’t a very big mountain)
04. taken a ferrari for a test drive
05. been inside the great pyramid
06. held a tarantula (did you know if you drop them from a certain height, they splatter?)
07. taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. said “i love you” and meant it
09. hugged a tree
10. bungee jumped
11. visited paris (twice!)
12. watched a lightning storm at sea (no, but I’ve seen one from above the clouds – way cool!)
13. stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. seen the northern lights
15. gone to a huge sports game
16. walked the stairs to the top of the leaning tower of pisa
17. grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. touched an iceberg
19. slept under the stars
20. changed a baby’s diaper (oh please)
21. taken a trip in a hot air balloon (it was tethered)
22. watched a meteor shower
23. gotten drunk on champagne (cheap champagne)
24. given more than you can afford to charity
25. looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. had a food fight
28. bet on a winning horse
29. asked out a stranger
30. had a snowball fight
31. screamed as loudly as you possibly can (very therapeutic. I recommend in the car, alone)
32. held a lamb
33. seen a total eclipse
34. ridden a roller coaster
35. hit a home run (I’m happy when I can get it past the infield)
36. danced like a fool and not cared who was looking (see #23 above)
37. adopted an accent for an entire day
38. actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment (for a moment? Often!)
39. had two hard drives for your computer
40. visited all 50 states (7 down, 43 to go…)
41. taken care of someone who was drunk
42. had amazing friends
43. danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. watched whales
45. stolen a sign (Mom, it was Todd’s idea)
46. backpacked in europe
47. taken a road-trip
48. gone rock climbing
49. midnight walk on the beach
50. gone sky diving
51. visited ireland
52. been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love (can you spell “high school”?)
53. in a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them
54. visited japan
55. milked a cow
56. alphabetized your cds
57. pretended to be a superhero
58. sung karaoke
59. lounged around in bed all day
60. played touch football
61. gone scuba diving
62. kissed in the rain
63. played in the mud
64. played in the rain
65. gone to a drive-in theater
66. visited the great wall of china
67. started a business
68. fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. toured ancient sites
70. taken a martial arts class
71. played d&d for more than 6 hours straight
72. gotten married (twice!)
73. been in a movie
74. crashed a party
75. gotten divorced
76. gone without food for 5 days
77. made cookies from scratch
78. won first prize in a costume contest
79. ridden a gondola in venice (but I did take the water bus – it’s far cheaper!)
80. gotten a tattoo
81. rafted the snake river
82. been on television news programs as an “expert” (on CBC Healthmatters, discussing IVF)
83. gotten flowers for no reason
84. performed on stage
85. been to las vegas
86. recorded music (at the CFRC radio station at Queens. We were awful.)
87. eaten shark
88. kissed on the first date
89. gone to thailand
90. bought a house
91. been in a combat zone
92. buried one/both of your parents
93. been on a cruise ship
94. spoken more than one language fluently (the jury is still out on “fluently”)
95. performed in rocky horror
96. raised children
97. followed your favorite band/singer on tour
98. passed out cold
99. taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. walked the golden gate bridge
102. sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
103. had plastic surgery
104. survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived
105. wrote articles for a large publication
106. lost over 100 pounds
107. held someone while they were having a flashback
108. piloted an airplane (does a glider count?)
109. touched a stingray
110. broken someone’s heart (I have no idea…)
111. helped an animal give birth
112. won money on a t.v. game show
113. broken a bone (just one, left pinky finger)
114. gone on an african photo safari
115. had a facial part pierced other than your ears
116. fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
sidenote where is 118?
119. had major surgery
120. had a snake as a pet
121. hiked to the bottom of the grand canyon
122. slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours (I wish…)
123. visited more foreign countries than u.s. states (well, more countries than Canadian provinces)
124. visited all 7 continents
125. taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. eaten kangaroo meat
127. eaten sushi
128. had your picture in the newspaper
129. changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about (I hope so!)
130. gone back to school
131. parasailed (in Cannes!)
132. touched a cockroach
133. eaten fried green tomatoes
134. read The Iliad
135. selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read (just one?)
136. killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. skipped all your school reunions
138. communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. been elected to public office
140. written your own computer language
141. thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
142. had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. built your own PC from parts
144. sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you
145. had a booth at a street fair
146. dyed your hair
147. been a dj
148. shaved your head
149. caused a car accident
150. saved someone’s life

Oh my goodness, are you still reading?