Too close to home

For nearly seven years, I rode the bus from Barrhaven downtown and back again. Perhaps one thousand times, I sailed through the spot where the transitway crosses the tracks. Yesterday, most of you know, six people were killed and dozens more injured when an OC Transpo bus crashed into a Via train rolling into Fallowfield station.

I wasn’t sure I should write about this. I am wary of co-opting this tragedy. Because I lost nobody close to me, perhaps one could argue that there’s no value in me posting this.

I can’t stop thinking about it, though. I can’t stop thinking of six families reeling, six people who went off to work or school or their daily errands, six people who will never come home again. Those people were my neighbours when I lived in Barrhaven. Maybe I stood behind them in the line at Loblaws, or perhaps our kids went to school together. It’s hard to wrap your head around something like this in any event, but harder still when it hits the heart of your community.

I was excited when they introduced the double-decker buses. There was often one on my route, the 77 express. I always hoped to get that seat at the front in the upper row, because I loved the view. That’s where I was sitting when I took this picture in September 2009.

226:365 Sunrise at the crossing

We were sailing through that very spot where the transitway crosses the tracks just outside the Fallowfield station. The sun was just coming up. It was just an ordinary, beautiful day.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

6 thoughts on “Too close to home”

  1. That is a beautiful picture, so poignant. I can’t stop thinking about the accident either, though I would like to. My stomach is in knots. Your picture gives me a sense of God’s grace and hope for a better future.

  2. I’ve been thinking about whether or not to post about the accident, too. It’s so close to home, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Thank you for your great post. It puts my feelings into words <3

  3. Hi Anonymous, that’s a strange point to nitpick. Sometimes it’s better to hold your tongue, yes? They were introduced in the spring of 2009.

    Thanks Valerie and Heather. Still so very, very sad.

  4. I just discovered your website and blog and I am very impressed by your photos and your writing. Also, what a beautifully appropriate photo for the bus tragedy. I did blog about it – it was too close to home for us too, as I live in Barrhaven. Thanks for posting your thoughts on this.

  5. Such a tragic and heartbreaking event. It’s difficult to fathom the emotional impact it must have on the community, especially for those who frequently traveled the same route. Accidents like this remind us of the importance of safety and the unpredictable nature of life. My thoughts are with the victims and their families, as well as everyone affected by this devastating incident. It’s a moment for the community to come together in support.
    job aim

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