I promise I’ll be back with more actual blog posts in the very near future (oy, my life right now!) but in the interim, I’m cheating and copying verbatim this press release from the Ottawa Art Gallery about an awesome new project they’ve launched: The Ottawa Art Gallery Community Art Garden!
I know, I love it too! Here’s the deets:
Will Work for Food Project: The Ottawa Art Gallery Community Art Garden is underway!
May 25, 2011—OTTAWA—Over the next few weeks, the Arts Court lawn at Daly and Nicolas Streets will transform into a lush, colourful, edible, community collaboration.Jennifer Cook is one of two artists selected by a jury in February after a call went out for artists to propose how they would involve the community in growing food at the gallery. She has drawn up designs for a series of vegetable gardens, referencing culinary themes, colour combinations and the patterns of traditional quilts.
With the help of clients at Operation Come Home, Cook started seeds indoors, and is ready to prepare the garden site into which these baby plants and many different vegetable seeds will be grown.
The intention of Cook’s garden is to provide a site for the public to learn how to grow food, contribute their food-growing knowledge, and work alongside the artist throughout the growing and harvesting season. Workshops will be held during the summer and fall, and will cover both food and art-making activities.
Food from the garden will be shared with individual participants, The Ottawa Mission and Operation Come Home.
Cook is hoping the community will roll up their sleeves and dig in for the first stage of the garden construction – A Community Work Bee.
Community Work Bee – Soil Delivery Day
Friday May 27thOttawa Art Gallery (Arts Court)
2 Daly Avenue
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.RAIN OR SHINE
Come by and lend a helping hand as we mound and shape the soil into garden beds. Bring your tools and gloves—donations of garden implements are welcome.Food is being provided by the professional kitchen at The Ottawa Mission, thanks to Chef Ric.
The Ottawa Art Gallery is greatful for the financial support of the Ontario Arts Council and the Community Foundation of Ottawa, without whom this project would not be possible.