You think I’m funny? You think I’m FUNNY! *squeee*

Beloved will tell you, there is no living with me right now. Not since I found out that Postcards from the Mothership was shortlisted as one of the five finalists in the Humour category of the 2010 Canadian Weblog Awards.

2010 Canadian Weblog Awards

Did you catch that? The HUMOUR category.


Humour! I mean, I was so honoured to be nominated in the Best Written category. I love to write, and yes, I think I can string a few words together with occasional panache. And well, my raison d’être is pretty much Family and Parenting, so of course I was honoured to be nominated in that category. But to be nominated in, and then shortlisted in, the Humour category? Funny is something I aspire to, something I am never quite sure I have managed. Something I am genuinely delighted to be acknowledged for.

I’ve written before about how much I admire Schmutzie‘s efforts in putting together the Canadian Weblog Awards. She’s done a fantastic job reinventing blog awards to make them relevant, and more than just a clicky popularity contest. (Did you get that clever play on words? Clicky, like the keyboard, but cliquey, like the social thing? Cuz apparently I’m FUNNY!)(See? No living with me. Poor Beloved.)

If you haven’t had a chance, click on over and check out the finalist shortlist in all the categories. It reads like a who’s who of the Canadian blogosphere, all the blogs you should be reading if you aren’t already. I’m so happy to see blogs and bloggers I adore like Kids in the Capital and Julie and Amy and Andrea and Tanya and Annie and Kimusan and tonyphoto/drool and XUP and Thordora and Cheaty and Kate and Emma and Laura and … and ALL of them. Holy cats, there’s a lot of bloggy goodness representing here!

But wait, there’s more!

First of all, you’ll be delighted to hear that I am not about to recruit you into a clickfest of voting for me. Because there is no voting with the Canadian Weblog Awards. Isn’t that awesome? The whole thing is juried. I love that! There are so many contests I bypass on the Interwebs, because I truly hate the “vote for me” things. I know, I know, I’ve schmoozed you into doing it for me many times over the years, but I’ve always felt vaguely icky about it. So I’m doubly honoured to be shortlisted based on merit, however subjective and ethereal that might be, rather than by how many votes I can mobilize.

So now there’s a second round of juried review, and the first, second and third place finalists will be revealed on January 1. Um, wait a minute. Does that mean I have to be funny for the entire month of December? The insane month of December, rife as it is with school concerts, holiday parties and mould remediation? Yikes. That may just be the stress that tips me over into the abyss.

Then again, humour has always been my coping mechanism of choice. As long as the Universe keeps up with its antics, there should be plenty of “might as well laugh as weep” moments in the coming weeks!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

14 thoughts on “You think I’m funny? You think I’m FUNNY! *squeee*”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! that’s awesome news dani. you definately make me smirk and smile and chortle and laugh and blow snot bubbles from my nose (yep, it’s happened more than once actually). totally deserved short listing. and i love that it’s juried now too. i wasn’t much a fan of the “popularity contest” time of click fest. some blogs that i don’t find at all worthy have won some awards that way. now you’ll be able to come by it honestly. 😉

  2. Hey Dani,

    Congratulations on the great news!

    I’m currently working on a program for Proctor & Gamble and Iams pet food. After looking through your site, I think that it could be a good fit for you. If you’d like more information, please drop me a note at and I will follow up with additional details. I look forward to connecting with you.

  3. Thanks Julie! You have no idea how delighted I am at the idea of me giving you snot bubbles. That’s wrong on so many levels, I know!

    Thordora, dog farts are hilarious! Well, until you smell them, that is.

  4. Oh, Owen… you did not read the commenter’s guide to the galaxy. Inferring that DaniGirl should be dining on pet food is so not cool. She has much higher standards and, at a minimum, you should be pitching beanie-weenies from a reputable, local, organic legume-grower and pork producer. Also also, if you can’t give details up front, and are relying on people contacting YOU, you’re probably a) doing it wrong or b) are doing it in a way that is not reputable,

    Please to be trying the hard-to-find “CONTACT ME” link at the top of the page, or stick to catering to the snooky-wanna-be crowd.

    Much love (not really),

    A deceased cephalopod

  5. Congrats – well deserved!!!

    (And thanks for the feedback on the Kids in the Capital post on holiday photos – praise (and advice) from a brilliant photographer such as yourself is always appreciated!)

  6. Congratulations, I won’t bother asking any dumb questions since you were so kind as to provide links *g*, I’m off to check them out.

  7. It’s totally insane that I’m on there, but OF COURSE you’re on there. Consistently well written, engaging and of course funny. Well done, Dani!

  8. I concur, the nomination and being short listed in the humor category is well deserved….I have now spent more time on your blog than I have working….shhh don’t tell the boss.

    You’re wrong about one thing though….the people’s choice category. Votes only….I am not a good self promoter and am pretty sure that the person who nominated me is an enemy. How I actually got short listed is a mystery to me.

    If we could vote for the other categories, mine would be for you! Awesome blog, glad I checked it out thanks to the CWA! You are an inspiration and I am now one of your dedicated following minions.

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