A couple of weeks ago, I got a really fun pitch. I have to say, I get so many news releases and pitches and one-pagers these days, that I barely have time to scan them, let alone reply or take action. But every now and then, one pitch stands out. This was one of them. The subject line said, “If you like chocolate, you might like this.”
One gold star for an interesting, informative and USEFUL subject line. I can tell it’s a pitch, but it’s got potential. So I read the e-mail, and the author has taken the time to at least skim my blog. He tells me his wife reads it and loves it. Note to PR folks: compliments will get you everywhere! You know what else gets you in the door? Colloquial, personal style. And? Free chocolate. So how could I resist a pitch like this? “So we are doing a blogger outreach program for M&Ms and would like to send you samples. That means chocolate. Like, lots of it. And most people love chocolate AND free. And almost all love free chocolate.”
Of all the pitches I get, maybe ten or twenty per cent of them ask me for my mailing address, so they can mail me a free sample of something. And of those, I am willing to share my address with about five a year. This was one of those times.
About a week later, I got a fun box in the mail. I wish I’d taken a picture, but it was chaos that night. The package was excellent! The outer box was all decorated with maps of Toronto, and the inside box was a 12 inch red square box shaped like a giant red M&M. And it was filled? With M&Ms, of course.
I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but they’re running this amazing cross-social-media online contest called “Find Red.”
Help the gang find Red by locating each of the 3 locations in the City of Toronto where Red is hidden at FindRed.ca. Find clues at high-traffic check-in points around the City of Toronto and scan participating M&M’S® product barcodes* using your iPhone or Android to find even more clues. And look out for posters of the M&M’S® characters with QR codes in the downtown core of the City of Toronto. Find and scan one to reveal a Community clue in the “Clues” tab above for everyone to use.
Fun, eh? It’s a really clever promo. I love the whole concept, and I wish I’d had time to blog about it before. There are still three days remaining if you’ve got some time on your hands. FIND RED!
OH NO! Red is missing?! I shall have to look for him.
My favourite M&M can’t stay missing.
*to the website I go*
Why can’t Red be lost in Ottawa?
So sad that this isn’t in Ottawa (or at least in Toronto over the holidays when I have a shot at being there). It sounds exactly the sort of thing I’d find amusing. AND I can actually eat M&Ms, which is always a bonus…
Even though we are not from Toronto, we did find Red. It was fun but a little time consuming. I recommend a map of Toronto to help you.