Here’s a Happy Thanksgiving gift for my Canadian bloggy peeps: a chance to win an HP Photosmart A646 Compact Photo Printer!
Remember this?
That was from my blog post back in the spring, when my lovely friends at Hill and Knowlton sent me a free HP Photosmart Premium Fax All-in-One printer. And then they gave me one to give away, too. I think I might have mentioned how much I love them.
And now — for even better printing-from-the-bathroom or just about anywhere else you might go convenience — you can win an HP Photosmart A646 Compact Photo Printer. How awesome is that? Here’s the deets on the printer:
The HP Photosmart A646 Compact Printer Series makes it simple to view, edit, create and personalize photos—all without a PC—with easy-to-navigate menus right on the printer’s HP TouchSmart control panel with large 3.45-inch touchscreen. Ideal for on-the-go photographers and busy parents, this portable and compact device easily prints from Bluetooth®-enabled mobile phones, allowing users to print out and share their photos wherever they are.
With more than 300 creative elements to choose from, including borders, clipart, album pages and photo captions, the HP Photosmart A640 Compact Printer Series makes personalizing and printing home photos easy and fun. In addition, 30 editing and enhancing options from the HP Design Gallery, including pet-eye fix, slimming feature, blemish removal and sepia tones, make photos look their best.
This ENERGY STAR-qualified printer helps reduce packaging waste by shipping in an innovative, reusable tote made from recycled plastics.
I haven’t had a chance to see or try this printer, but I am totally in love with the quality from my Photosmart Premium Fax All-in-One so I can only imagine that this one is equally excellent.
The contest is open from now through noon on Friday October 16, 2009. There are three ways you can earn a ballot to enter this contest:
- Leave a comment below and tell me one thing for which you are thankful. (It is, after all, a Thanksgiving giveaway!)
- Write about the contest on your blog, linking to this post, and come back and leave me a comment with the URL to let me know about it.
- Tweet the contest on twitter using hashtag #HPContest and linking to this blog post, and leave me a comment with a link to your status update. You can use tinyurl (Edited to add: you can create a direct link to your Twitter update by clicking on the time of the update and saving that link.)
The fine print: this contest is open to Canadian residents only. One winner will be chosen by using the random number generator at, selected from all eligible entries. The winner will be announced the afternoon or evening of October 16, 2009. You must be willing to share your mailing address with me, and I will share it with Hill and Knowlton Canada, who will ship the prize directly to the winner.
Thanks to HP and Hill and Knowlton for another fun giveaway. Good luck to all!
I am thankful you keep having such awesome giveaways!! 🙂 But truly, i am thankful for such a beautiful day to spend with my family. As a working mother these holidays are a blessing! Happy Turkey day to you and yours!
I just wrote about being grateful for small, cuddly girls who wear polar fleece footies and are snuggly when they sleep. I think I’m going to stick with that, though I could also be grateful that the buys that I baked didn’t burn (I forget about the timer, sometimes ;+) Now to get the turkey in and safely cooked …
Happy turkey day to you and yours.
I am Thankful for my wonderful Family, both near and far. I am Thankful that we all were able to get together yesterday and today for Turkey. I am Thankful for the many blessings that I have received this year.
Thank you for hosting such a fun giveaway Dani, looks like a cool printer for quick prints.
I have to say I’m thankful for simply having a family and turkey dinner to go to. My 4th yr thesis project this year is based on Humanitarian Assistance, it has really opened my eyes to the poverty and horrible living situations that a lot of people around the world are going through.
I could really use a printer too! I’ve never owned one (a colour one at least)
Happy turkey day!
I’m thankful for so much. It’s hard to pick just one thing without it sounding weak. So I’m thankful for they life we live here in Canada where we can each make a list taller than we are of all we have to be thankful for – at least we should all be able to. We are so blessed.
I tweeted, Dani, but for the life of me I don’t know how to link to a specific tweet… HELP!
What a great giveaway! I am thankful to have healthy, happy children and a wonderful husband and family. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for having been able to celebrate another Thanksgiving with friends and family. Yesterday’s festivities also included a birthday, so with a full house, my better half and I served our guests a hot pot feast with from-scratch stock, several more traditional Thanksgiving sides (including brussel sprouts) and a mile-high sponge-cake, frosted with stabilized whipped cream.
Busy as we all are, being able to make the time to share a meal with those close to us was a wonderful way to spend an evening.
I wrote about it on my blog here…
What a great giveaway!
I’m thankful for a pleasant, quiet Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws Sunday night and that I also got to see my parents on Saturday so I don’t have to feel guilty about only seeing one set over the holidays.
I am thankful that when we went to Vancouver to have Hub’s heart looked at (because there were some scary heart like issues a few weeks ago), he was given the all clear.
And on a side note, I’m totally thankful for pumpkin pie. 🙂
Hey Dani – I’m thankful for a bunch of things, including: having a great family; an outstanding group of friends who might as well be my family because that’s how much love I get from them; a lot of children in my life that can refresh my perspective and joy whenever I hang out with them; and last night’s awesome turkey dinner with my mum, dad, brother and Uncle Michael.
And, I’m always thankful you have this blog :o)
Tweeted about it:
I tweeted here:
I’m thankful for a quiet Monday after all of the Thanksgiving weekend fuss. It’s always great to see family, but now I’m craving some quiet time by the fire with a library book.
I am thankful for my wonderful family: my three little girls and my wonderful hubby. 🙂
I am thankful for my family and how we know we will always be there for each other .
Here is my tweet:
From: @Sueellen61
Sent: Oct 12, 2009 2:49p
Something for Canadians only for a change! Win an HP Photosmart A640 Compact Photo Printer #HPContest
sent via UberTwitter
On Twitter:
This looks amazing!
One thing I am thankful for is my wonderful family.
I am thankful for my wife.
I’m grateful for finally being mostly stable and healthy and able to love and appreciate my life. It’s been too long and too far a road to happy.
And i would be INCREDIBLY grateful for a printer that prints! Ours forgets Magenta which makes for interesting colors. It was brand new and never really worked. 🙂
I’m thankful for a great thanksgiving evening last night with friends and family. Now that that’s over, I’m thankful to be headed to Ottawa tomorrow so I can get away from them all.
I have so much to be thankful for, and I’m hoping that this year I remember that throughout the whole year and not only when we are supposed to remember it.
My three boys: hubby, and two little ones. My family and friends – I don’t think I would be sane without them. The list goes on, but those are forefront in my mind right now.
I am so very thankful that my son is healthy and 13 months old, that I am married to someone who loves and respects me, that my best friend made Thanksgiving dinner this year in her new house with her new husband and I am thankful for the rational, reasonable life advice my mom gave me this week. Don’t tackle everything at once, but only the most immeadiate and those that you can solve.
I just came over here to thank you for your lovely comment on my blog — and to thank you for the gift of your friendship over the past five years (since I started blogging and had the good fortune to meet you!)
I logged on from the cottage so I could keep to my new, self-imposed blogging schedule (M + Th, come snow or coffee shortages or whatever). We had our family Thanksgiving dinner yesterday (up here). It was great. I am so lucky (and thankful) to have the kids I have. If they’d been “easy” kids, I wouldn’t have benefited from nearly the same opportunities for personal/professional development. 🙂
I am thankful for two cute kids and one cute husband. I am thankul they love me as much as they do.
I am thankful for my family. My wonderful husband, my loving son, my fabulous parents & in-laws, my sisters & brothers, and nieces, too! I am also thankful for the ‘family’ that is not technically family. My best friend and her family, my great friends in the MOMS Club, my friends at work and even my neighbors! My life would be pretty empty without them!!!
Woohooo!!! What an awesome giveaway!!!
I am thankful to my husband for doing such an awesome job at cooking a gorgeous Thanksgiving dinner and giving my mom a much needed break from it this year.
Yay, a giveaway!!!
I’m very thankful for my family, who keep me sane, constantly laughing and challenge me to grow. And I’m thankful for giveaways!
Gobble gobble!
Just included two links to your blog on my blog! (That counts for an extra ballot, right?) 🙂
I am thankful for my girls and my husband and a day of no obligations. The girls have played board games together amazingly well and there’s an Office marathon on TV. Pretty much a perfect day.
I also tweeted this….
I am thankful for the constant reminders in my life to look around and notice the beauty of the everyday. I am thankful for the opportunity and the time to soak those beautiful things up, and the chance to share them with people that matter most to me. Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for my wee kidlets, passed out from an exhausting weekend of food, family, and standing in line at the butterfly exhibit at Carleton; for my mum for being here with us; for the autumn colours, and crisp sunny afternoon; and for being able to do work I really care about (even if I’m doing it at 8 pm and surfing blogs on the side!!)
I’m thankful my husband finally seems to be getting over his nasty bout of H1N1 flu. It was wonderful to celebrate a happy & healthy Thanksgiving.
BTW, I tweeted, too:
I’m thankful for my wonderful family. Who else would put up with me?
I am so thankful for my husband. He has been so supportive over this past year of work-is-hell. He is a tremendous father. He makes me laugh every day. And he is still sexy!
Great giveaway. I am thankful for my husband, who has been my rock through this trying year and for my two beautiful and healthy kids.
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving 🙂
I would love the printer! I am most thankful for my kids. It was my son’s first thanksgiving and I couldn’t imagine being where I am 3 years ago.
BTW I tweeted the contest but I have no idea how to link you to my update. Try this?
I am thankful for the endless possibilities and choices I have available to me as a woman in the year 2009!
I tweeted this great contest too, but am having trouble figuring out how to post the link line?! Here is my tweet:
Great giveway for Canadians from @DaniGirl. Win an HP Photosmart A640 Compact Photo Printer #HPContest36 minutes ago from web
I am thankful for my wonderful husband of 7 years. Our Anniversary was on Thanksgiving, so every year I get to be thankful!
I am thankful that I have a wonderful partner, and 3 children that sometimes make me crazy. I am also thankful for fresh tea 😀
I”m thankful for those who have been supporting the over 400 employees on strike at the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the Canadian War Museum and are not crossing the picket line to visit the Museums.
I am also thankful for very supportive family and friends. It’s been a rough three weeks.
Can’t figure out the whole hashtag thing on Twitter. I guess I just don’t use it enough!! :-p
I am grateful for many many things this year.
But one that comes to mind is good bloggers, such as you, Dani!
They inform, enrich and enliven my everyday.
I’m thankful to be able to read this!! (in addition to all the marvelous other things in my life like family, friends and health)
I am thankful for my children’s good health and for my entire family without whose love and guidance I would be so much less of a person ♥
I’m thankful for my children who are healthy, happy and funny as hell. Their funny keeps me sane.
Great Contest!
I tweeted!
I believe that should be the link to my Twitter post.
I’m @Larked
I’m thankful for my children’s giggles. They are trulymusic to my ears, reminding me how full of life, happiness and innocence they are. Their giggles bring me peace.
I am so thankful to still have my parents – at 45, most of my friends have lost at least one. We have forged a wonderful relationship as I grew up, and they are the best grandparents to my daughters that I could hope to have. Thanks Mom and Dad!
I am thankful for my family and friends and mostly for the “TIME” that I was able to share with them over the weekend. Having lost my daughter 5 years ago, I have learned to value this often overlooked concept. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Hooray! I learned something new at Twitter! Here’s my Tweet:
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Gobble, gobble!
I’m thankful for my adopted Canadian family that takes care of us every Thanksgiving….without them I would never eat a proper turkey dinner!
I am thankful for so many things. However, today I am most thankful for the stillness inside that allowed me to gain a completely different perspective about myself.
#Canadians Enter to win an HP Portable Photo printer from @DaniGirl #HPContest
Cdns! Enter to win an HP Portable Photo printer from @DaniGirl #HP contest
RT @LiteMochaMom: Cdns! Enter to win an HP Portable Photo printer from @DaniGirl #HP contest
RT @bitofmomsense: Cdn peeps, have you entered to win an HP Portable Photo printer from @DaniGirl yet? sooo cool
RT @bitofmomsense: Cdn peeps, have u entered to win an HP Portable Photo printer fr @DaniGirl yet? so cool
Check out a great contest via @DaniGirl Win an HP Photosmart A640 Compact Photo Printer #HPContest
I am thankful for so many things this year – two beautiful and healthy boys, a loving husband, an amazing roof over our heads, a best friend who is willing to unpack and organize my underwear because I have my hands full of baby, a great family in town . . . the list goes on. Thanks Dani for the space to reflect on what is important; I don’t do it often enough.
Every morning I give thanks for the water that flows sweetly and abundantly from my bathroom tap.
I am thankful for the singing along to the radio that comes from the backseat.
I am thankful for the smile that I get when the words to the song aren’t right…
Most of all I am thankful that I have someone in the backseat to sing along!!!!!
Well, I’m tremendously thankful that my brother has, er had, two kidneys, one of which I’ve borrowed. He’s quite the nice guy, and my family kicks butt.
I am thankful for my amazing toddler, good friends and unexpected happy occurrences. Thank you!
I am thankful for a beautiful family with two wonderful kids….and also the geek in me is thankful for the fact that we now have technology that allows us to share and capture so many of the great moments spent with them…..last time I looked my son was 2.5 years old and had 2000 pictures to his name……;-) Yeah we need help!!!!
Great Blog, keep it up!
It took me awhile to figure out how to get the URL of a tweet but I tweeted right away: and then, when I was proud of my ingenuity, I notice that you added instructions. Sigh.
Well right now I am thankful that I remembered to post a comment for a chance to win the fun printer! And I am always thankful for my kids!
RT @DaniGirl: Only one day left to enter to win an HP Photosmart A640 Compact Photo Printer #HPContest
RT @DaniGirl: Only one day left to enter to win an HP Photosmart A640 Compact Photo Printer #HPContest
I re-tweeted you:
hey Dani! After spending some time in the US this weekend, i was reminded of how lucky we are to have maternity and parental benfits. I am so grateful for the time I am spending with my children, unemcumbered by work… and ever gratful for the paycheck that keeps coming anyway!
I am thankful for my family, friends, health and happiness 🙂
I thankful for my mother. She is a saint, and I don’t know what I’d do without her.
Thanks for this opportunity! If I will, I’ll be able to print lots of pictures of her grandchildren! 🙂
I am thankful for my amazing family. 3 incredible and healthy kids, an amazing husband and parents and in-laws who have been over and above the call of duty supportive as we get used to twins. I am very lucky.
Good luck to everyone, the contest is now closed. I’ll draw and post a winner right after lunch!
RT @DaniGirl: Last chance to enter! Win an HP Photosmart A640 Compact Photo Printer #HPContest Ends at noon EDT!
I was very pleased to find this blog.I want to thank you for this great read!! I absolutely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post.
I wish i have it one, very good printer indeed.