Lucas’s first cereal

Every now and then I feel the need to conform to the expectations of those who castigate mommy blogs as self-reverential shrines to minutiae. What could be more self-indulgent than four minutes of baby’s first cereal posted to YouTube?

But seriously, could he BE more adorable? If nothing else, watch for the infectious baby giggles in the second minute.

(or, click thru and watch it here)

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

11 thoughts on “Lucas’s first cereal”

  1. Oh my ! That was too adorable.
    And mommy’s giggles are just as infectious as Lucas’!

    Love how he was feeding himself, once it ‘got it’!

  2. OH he is just too cute and the independent sort too. He wants to feed himsself already. I love how he held onto the spoon!

    And that giggle!

  3. Cute video.

    It is interesting to put a voice to someone after seeing them post for about seven years.

  4. Oh my gosh, Jennyandtim, it really has been about that long, hasn’t it? Wow. Conversationally, I’d say I’m about an octave or so lower than that on most days.

  5. So cute. We will be trying a similar trick soon enough with a 5-month-old. I guess I’d better video it, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

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