You know I love you, right? And as my mother taught me, “if you love me, buy me things.” Well, I haven’t exactly bought something for you, but I do have some freebies and a great deal to offer, too.
First, the great deal. Remember when I told you earlier about how my friends at Smugglers’ Notch gave me my first writing credit for their resort magazine? Well, at the same time we worked out a special deal for any of you who might have been inspired enough by my most excellent and unbiased travel reporting to plan a family vacation at Smuggs for yourself.
Book any FamilyFest Summer Vacation Package at Smugglers’ Notch for this summer (June 13 – September 1, 2008) and tell them you want the “Postcards from the Mothership” deal, and you’ll get a 20% discount! In addition to the fun I blogged about last summer (remember the segways, the excellent day camp for kids, the waterslides and pools and mini-golf, not to mention the endless canoe trip?) this year they’ve got some cool new stuff like chocolate tasting and bike-boards (three-wheeled scooters) and adventures in kayaking and rock-climbing, plus a whole lot more.
If you go, let me know! I’d love to hear about it. And, as a self-appointed bloggy ambassador to Smuggs, I’d be happy to answer any questions about our trip. For more information and to make a reservation, visit the Smuggs website. Don’t forget to tell them you want the “Postcards from the Mothership” deal!
And now the freebies: the nice folks over at Hachette publishing sent out Mothers Day book packages to a handful of bloggers recently, and I’d like to share mine with you. These are the books they sent (minus a few I’ve already given away):
1. Your Best Life Now For Moms by Joel Osteen
2. How Not to Look Old: Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger by Charla Krupp
3. Bobbi Brown Living Beauty by Bobbi Brown
4. Sew U Home Stretch: The Built by Wendy Guide to Sewing Knit Fabrics by Wendy Mullin & Eviana Hartman
5. Jewels: 50 Phenomenal Black Women Over 50 by Michael Cunningham & Connie Briscoe
6. On Becoming Fearless: …in Love, Work, and Life by Arianna Huffington
7. Days: From the Heart of the Home by Susan Branch
8. Starting Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Morning of the Year by Joyce Meyer
9. Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Every Evening of the Year by Joyce Meyer
10. Send Yourself Roses: Thoughts on My Life, Love, and Leading Roles by Gloria Feldt and Kathleen Turner
If you’d like to win one, leave a comment… but not just any comment! Leave me a comment recommending a book that you have loved, or think I must read. Also, if you have a particular preference for one of the books listed, be sure to let me know.
I’ll leave this open for comments until June 15.
funny enough, I didn’t plan very well this year and we didn’t have any vacation booked. Just last week I said to Kevin “you know one of the blogs I read, she went to Smugglers’ Notch and raved about it…” LOL. I am going to look into it for sure!
I am reading Amy Karol’s “Bend the Rules Sewing” and discovering that i can sew after all (grade 7 Home Ec aside.) It’s a really great book if you’ve always wanted to be able to do the basics. And in that vein, if you pull my name in the draw I’d love to have #4: Sew U Home Stretch.
PS Smugglers Notch IS fantastic.
Last weeks I had two books in my hand at the drugstore. Some book about Mommies in New York and another one. I was actually going in to purchase some mindless trashy gossip rag to read in the tub.
But I picked up the other one. It’s called Prisoner of Tehran by Marina Nemhat. I think what struck me most about this book is it is a true story. I just can’t believe all that could have happened and didn’t and all that really happened to her
And I will put my name in for 6 or 10.
You must read “The Reluctant Fundamentalist”. I am going to assume all the books you read are not about parenting as I know you are really smart and well read. I will lend you this book…very different writing style and great story.
Regarding the books by Joel Olsteen and Joyce Meyer… please see and click on “A Call to Discernment.” Its a presentation he gave at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and its just a brief overview of his seminar of Word of Faith teachers.
God bless you!
I have no idea what sort of books you are into so I am going Canadian author. Tim Findlay is my favorite Canadian writer and the best of his many many novels is Famous Last Words (at least in my humble opinion).
I’m currently reading The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I’m only about a third of the way through but already I love, love, love it. The writing is gorgeous and sucked me in right away, and the characters are fantastic.
A book I read recently that I am recommending to all my friends is The History Of Love by Nicole Krauss. Again, great writing, totally engrossing, really readable, and WOW, the ending. Everyone who I’ve sent it to has loved it.
Oh, and one more — The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. This one might be a little harder to pick up and put down all the time (as moms on the go must do), but it’s lovely and again, everyone I’ve recommended it to has loved it. It was made into a movie last year and I hear the movie is also excellent — it’s on my to-see list.
As for the book list above, I’m interested in #3, the Bobbi Brown. I am desperately in need of makeup training!
Oh, I’m in need of number 6: On Becoming Fearless: …in Love, Work, and Life by Arianna Huffington. I’m a new mom and since my beloved boy was born I find myself entertaining too many fears. I’m a classic late-in-life new mom and some days it just seems the world is full of potential dangers for this darling baby I’ve finally been given.
As for recommendations … I LOVE Raymond Carver’s book of short stories, “Where I’m Calling From.” I reread it all the time and as I age, I discover subtle nuances I’d previously missed. Carver really understood the human condition.