I had another appointment with the midwife yesterday. The synopsis: Yep, still pregnant. Yep, still huge – baby continues to be in the 90th percentile for size, meaning he’s bigger than 90 per cent of babies at this gestational age. Yep, mommy and baby still healthy and hearty, if not a little stressed (he’s fine, I’m a little frazzled). Yep, we’ll see you at your appointment next Wednesday — if we don’t see you before that.
I was telling her what I posted about yesterday, that the waiting is not the worst thing but the false starts and rather nauseating pattern of raised expectations and dashed hopes. She smiled knowingly and with sympathy and said, “Oh yes, the third child syndrome.”
The what? There’s an actual SYNDROME and nobody told me? Apparently third babies tend to do this. They toy with mother’s sanity, playing these coy games. She assured me that fourth babies do not do this. I said it’s a wonder there ever ARE any fourth babies, after all this!!
She also made me laugh when she observed that the midwives say there is a certain “look” in the eyes of near-term mothers. At first, I thought she was meaning that there is some sort of ephemeral sign they can read, meaning the baby’s arrival is pending. But no, this is more of an emotional barometer, maybe a little bit too much white showing around the edges of mom’s eyes, or a bit of a twitch, that indicates a woman has had entirely enough of being pregnant, thank-you-very-much. And yes, she was reading hints of *that* look in my eyes. Snicker. I coulda told you that for free!
Not only is tomorrow baby’s official due date, it’s Simon’s birthday AND they’re forecasting a winter storm. I figure after nine months of desperately hoping that I don’t actually deliver on February 1, this combination of circumstances virtually guarantees that he will in fact arrive tomorrow. Murphy’s Third Child Law or something like that! And if he doesn’t come tomorrow, I’m thinking we’re going to have to go in and get him. I signed the paperwork yesterday to start setting up the induction for some time late next week. Damn stubborn babies who don’t listen from BEFORE day one — sheesh!!
So, I’ve been rather self-centred lately — but very much enjoying all your comments and kind words. It’s a beautiful sunny (if not a little frigid) morning here in Ottawa, and I’m about to drop the boys off at the nanny’s house for the day. Life is really not so bad, ya know? What’s lovely in your corner of the world today?
I’m loving being in Ottawa with a kid who is starting to skate. It’s got me to put skates back on my own feet after years and years. My arches are so sore I want to cry from the first minute to being tolerable for a few minutes – at least if I get the laces done up tightly enough. The thought of skating on an outdoor rink or the canal this weekend (once someone else has cleared the snow, is making me a happy camper. Add in the taffy on snow that they have at the Fifth Ave entrance to the canal and it is a good life, indeed.
Take care and good luck staying (more or less) sane for the wait.
Cold and sunny here too. Wicked wind and rain storm last night.
Come, little baby, come. Your mama wants you NOW. Please don’t let us see the whites of her bloggy eyes much longer.
Fingers crossed for today or Saturday, but not tomorrow, Dani.
The lovely in my part of the world is that although both boys are sick (fifth disease – nothing serious), they are remarkably pleasant and they have been getting along wonderfully. As in, the 6yr old has actually been seeking out his 3yr old brother to play with him. Sick sucks, but bickering sick would suck far worse.
No pressure Dani – but you only have four hours and twenty minutes if I’m to win the baby poll.
Captcha: brick ous.
Oooo, bad captcha oracle for today from me: are stagnant. Though if PTBNL remains stagnant til Saturday at noon, then I am the pool champeen.
Try not to do the labour in a storm thing tomorrow. Enjoy your relaxing day. May I suggest a nap?
What’s good around here? The prospect of another weekend on the horizon with skating and tobogganing on the agenda.
Oh, I am so sorry you are still pregnant. Those last couple of weeks of pregnancy are awful. With my last two babies I remember walking around with a squalling baby at 2 am, sleeplessly trying to soothe them, thinking, “This is STILL better than being pregnant.”
I hope the baby comes soon, yet conveniently. But that’s the impossible gold standard, isn’t it?
I suppose my good news is that I am still pregnant, and so far, so good.
captcha: him Yippie
The last week is always the worst…especially when you’ve got other little ones to take care of. Your mom sounds like a peach! Hang in there, it’ll be over soon.
Yep. That is how my third baby was. The first two boys were early, the third was late. Sassy.
Now he is sitting on my lap as I write, and he is an absolute peach. So, eventually, they do come out.
When I was overdue I went to my OBGYN for the third time in a week and hysterically started laugh/crying asking for reassurance that if we don’t induce the baby will eventually come out. Except I was laugh/crying so hard my dear hubby had to finish my sentence for me and I just pointed to him like “what he said”. So bad.
Hang in there! We are all pulling for ya.
If I remember correctly, I predicted you would deliever today. Good luck!
Third child syndrome? shudder Haven’t heard of that; good to know.
Cold, sunny and very, very windy here… and trying to pick up a bit since my inlaws are landing for a long weekend tomorrow.
I was my mom’s third and I was a few days late and breach, so go figure. Here’s hoping he arrives soon, but not tomorrow. 🙂
My captcha is invested principles…interesting considering the blog post I just wrote…
I predict this baby will not come before SUNDAY at the earliest. Just tomake things easier on mommy, becasue this baby is going to be an easy easy going child. Not that the other two aren’t but just so much more laid back that Tristan and Simon.
Here’s to and easy labour.
Hoping this baby comes soon. Bad weather or not. I was overdue with both my boys and I remember being double annoyed with my second cause everyone kept telling me that I wouldn’t go overdue and dam it I believed them. Nesting is a good sign. My captcha is Pope play ????
ok I just had to tell you, the next captcha was “he roll” I think this is a good sign, he is ready to get things rolling!
Dani good luck with the wait! I’m happy to report my baby Dimitry was born almost 2 weeks ago, and I had a wonderful and super fast (4 hours, 6 minutes of pushing!) labour. I guess it gets easier and faster with each baby, huh? Anyway I’m loving being a mommy to two wonderful boys, baby is an eating machine and I am getting used to no sleep again! So worth it, though… 🙂
Wiarton Willie would love to share his special day….just please don’t name him Willie, or Groundhog.
William is nice though! (as is Ben)
captcha = the racket = soon to be YOUR house!!
Come on, baby! You can do it! Mama wants you to come out!!!
What a great day this has been — it’s been like the calm before the storm. (Literally — 25 cm of snow on the way!)
Loukia, congratulations on the arrival of your little one!
Of COURSE you’ll have the baby today. My second was due on his brother’s birthday and arrived the day before – in the crazy Ottawa freezing rain storm in January of ’06. Silly me, I said “there’s no way I’ll have this baby tonight!” and decided to stay at my parents’ place. Of course that meant that my dad had to drive me to Renfrew at about 40 kph in the middle of the night to meet up with my husband at the hospital. Not something I’d recommend – especially since the baby came out 15 minutes after I arrived.
I know you want the baby out, but here’s hoping he waits till tomorrow. No one should have to go out in this AND in labour. Wait till sunny tomorrow, baby.
Well, my second totally did this to me. Guess she knew that there would be no third and didn’t want me to miss out! I’m really excited for you.
I’m still going for Feb 6th – is that too far away? ( “Boy Thursday” – not kidding!)