I’m trying to be patient, I really am! But it seems like every time I settle in and convince myself that there is nothing to do but wait it out and enjoy these last few days, my body throws something new at me that gets me all excited again — for nothing!!!
While my labours with Tristan and Simon were quite different in a lot of ways (with Tristan I went into labour spontaneously two days past my due date, and with Simon I was induced 10 days past my due date) in the end they were both fairly linear in their progression. Once labour started, it moved, albeit at differing speeds and stages, pretty much unerringly toward birth.
Not so much this time around. Believe it or not, I’m fairly content with the waiting. At the most, this baby will be here sometime in the next 10 days or so, and that seems perfectly reasonable to me. It’s the “Ohhh, I think this is it, here we go!!” excitement, followed by the letdown of “Oh, never mind, we’re back to waiting again” that’s really starting to fray my nerves. First there was the 12 hours of progressive contractions last Thursday, after which it took me about three days to get my head back into a place where I was content to wait it out another week or more. Then yesterday with the lost mucous plug, I really thought we were good to go, until my midwife confirmed that in the absence of other symptoms, it really doesn’t mean much more than “Baby could come any time in the next couple of days or weeks.” Whimper.
You might remember my sweet bloggy friends in Toronto and environs got together and chipped in for an absolutely gorgeous hand-made baby blanket and pillow for the Player to be Named Later. Yesterday, just as I was trying to wrangle my excitement over the non-progress of the lost mucous plug back into perspective, the doorbell rang. It was the postlady, with a package from Marla.
In the package were the blanket and pillow and an equally adorable little taggie blanket for baby to play with, and there was also an extra little care package from Marla and Josie.
Look at these and tell me they are not the most adorable things you’ve ever seen!!
Marla has predicted that Baby was simply waiting for his care package to arrive, and would make his grand entrance within 24 hours of me receiving it. So Canada-Post-As-Oracle dictates that he has until shortly after noon today to arrive. Hmmmm, unless this is a *really* sudden and fast labour….. but I’m secretly hoping she’s right!!
Thank you again to Ann and Andrea and Jen and Nicole and Kate and Nadine, and especially to Marla and Josie. I love all of you!
Or, maybe the Player to be Named Later is just waiting to see the outcome of the Canadian Blog Awards. Today is the final day for voting, so if you haven’t done so already, this is your last chance to vote for us! Don’t do it for me, do it for Baby! (Shameless, aren’t I?)
That mucous plug, such a tease. When I lost mine I was so sure that labour was imminent that I summoned the in-laws, who proceeded to spend their Saturday at our house, waiting for the contractions that didn’t come. (This was with the Pie, so they were on hand to look after Bub.) It seemed like eons until labour finally began, but in fact it was three days.
My experience with the mucous plug is that it’s days after, not weeks, that the baby is born. I’ve always gone into labor within 48 hours after seeing the mucous. But everyone’s different of course.
Waiting is so tough, I think it’s the hardest part of pregnancy (besides the fear). I’m thinking of you every day, Dani! Best wishes for a smooth delivery! 🙂
Glad you like the goodies. Now um…can’t you get yourself on a trampoline or something?
I feel for you! I lost my mucous plug on a Sunday morning, but baby didn’t arrive until Wednesday afternoon.
The goodies from your friends are just beautiful! So sweet.
Yes, I believe they are the cutest things I ever seen! I can’t wait to meet your new boy!
Lovely to know the items are as wonderful in person as they were in the photos! Love that you love them! Hope tPtbNL gets to experience them Real Soon.
(And thanks again to Marla for finding, organizing and shipping.)
Okay, this captcha is awesome.
“Swell contemplating”.
Need I say more?
lol @ dani…. Honestly… go mix some gin into your orange juice… guaranted results!
Captcha: “new deflator” hahahaha
Those are the sweetest slippers/shoes ever. I want some.
How lovely to receive such beautiful gifts from such great friends.
Sorry about the pluggy tease.
Mama V, if I had some gin, I think I’d drink it — for a bit of giddy oblivion, if not for inducement!!
Had to share – my captcha = “impossible patient”. Qui moi?
I just wanted to let you know that I, a perfect stranger and fellow mama, have found myself caught up in the excitement of your pre-labour. I’m bewildered that I think of you from time to time throughout the day and visit your blog to check how you’re doing.
Clearly, this speaks to the quality of your personable and insightful writing. In any case, while you’re playing the waiting game, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to stop lurking, step up and tell you that I think you’re a gifted writer, a thoughtful mother and that I wish you all the best in your labour.
Thanks for keeping your readers posted!
Yo chicky — thinking of you and your mucous plug. Can’t wait to meet your special little boy and hoping we can see each other some time in 2008. Sending good vibes.
Hang in there Dani. I think I lost my plug a day or so before delivering Rachel. I don’t remember losing it at all with Leah, but I must have at some point.
Love the booties!
Oooh! So exciting! And cute booties. I will be checking back her for The News. Good luck!