You guys are making me laugh with your captchas, but when I went to comment on the thread and tell you so, I had my own predictive captcha experience. In fact, I had to get a screen capture and show you what the Captcha Oracle has in store for me:
Cuz that’s what I need. A stubborn, reluctant and stuck baby who is bigger AND BIGGER AND BIGGER by the hour!!!!
My captcha is “optimistic description” – that sounds good, right?
Ha! On the other post, when I just checked the additional comments, it was “barges soon” – and this one is “not downtown”.
I love the Captcha Oracle!
Mine is “foods well”.
I think it’s telling you to eat now, Dani!
Now I’ve got “for gest” which I think is a simply marvellous crossed-up pun on gestation and jest, because the last 24 hours really have been a bit of a joke. Man, I could do this all night!
“simila and” — what you’re experiencing is similar to labour…and…?
dast hawley – not good, what about Harley?
memoranda way – kinda sounds like a porn star.
BWA HA HA HA!!! – now it says FORCING GINE.
smaller day! Now that sounds promising. Clearly you are going to get some sleep and in the tiny party of the day that remains after your rest his majesty will emerge. CLEARLY!
Mine says excel adventures, which is probably what’s happening to you right now.
duel Mrs. — Oooh… there you go! It’s a duel between you and TPTBNL!
Good luck today. I won’t be able to play Captcha Oracle every ten minutes, because I have to work at the job I hate today – don’t have the baby before I get home at 7 and can check in, okay?
way tired!
Had to do it one more time. Well, I bet you are, indeed, way tired!
Yeah, I’m way tired, but not as tired as yesterday. No more contractions, so you should be good until tonight.
Hmmmmm, “Mr Twenty” — since it’s already past Jan 20, I’m not sure how that one ties in…
Yes, commenting just so i can see what the oracle sends me… about “roundup” and “they”.
Planning to have cowboys at the birth?
exchanged 5:00…………..
does that mean you will “exchange” pregnancy for mother hood at 5:00?
Oh dear… I was just playing Captcha Oracle, and got “an ugly”… I’d better do it again. BRB
“has Holdup” hahahaha
Some of these are awesome! Here’s mine:
dared institution
Are you gestating a rabble-rouser?