Social bookmarks

I’ve been meaning to get around to installing some social bookmarking widgets for a while now, and finally got around to it. They’re the little boxes at the bottom of each post. If you don’t know what they are, you can safely ignore them – but I highly recommend as a social bookmarking tool if you aren’t already using it! The rest of them I just kind of chose at random from the list of options based on what I’d heard other people using.

Let me know if the display is messed up in your browser, or if it slows the loading of pages for you! (And, yes, the blog was down for 14 hours in the last 24 hours. Am seriously considering changing hosts….)

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

4 thoughts on “Social bookmarks”

  1. Jessica, it’s an alternative to keeping all your favourites in your browser, so you can access them from anywhere. Plus, you can organize things with tags, and you can share stuff with people in your “network” or just snoop and surf in other people’s bookmarks.

    If you’re curious, take a look at my bookmarks (half work and half personal, all jumbled together):

  2. At this point – I’m just ignoring them – when my mind can handle information about widgets or tags (might not ever happen) … I’ll come back and look at yours. They look nice though. And that is always important – see ya.

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