Hey you! Lurker! This one’s for you

Huhn. I thought I had to wait until January for International Delurking week to beg y’all to come out of hiding, but apparently today is (ahem) “The Great Mofo Delurk” day. Don’t believe me? It must be true, cuz they’ve got BADGES!

The Great Mofo Delurk 2007

So! You, over there, the one who visits every day but never says hello. And you! The one who just stumbled over here looking for Star Wars porn – sorry to disappoint you, but you could at least leave a comment to let us know you were here.

Out yerselves, quiet lurkers, and be known in the brilliant klieg lights of the comment box – this is your day to shine.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

18 thoughts on “Hey you! Lurker! This one’s for you”

  1. Hi there. Not really a lurker, but not commenting as often these days… 😉

    (though still reading of course!)

  2. you are hilarious, in my blog bookmarks and hit every nail on the head when it comes to parenting woes and tales! so lurker no more for me and I can’t wait to read about the soon to be adventures of a mother of 3!

  3. Hmmm….Pulled out of the shadows. Yes, I confess I’m a lurker–a bad one at that. I love knowing everything but I don’t like talking about it. I love your writing. Your parenting plights are mine as well. But I think I’ll stay in the background unless the spirit moves me.

  4. Hi! Delurking to say I love reading about how you balance a job you love with Beloved and two very adorable little boys. 🙂

  5. I never really considered myself a lurker, but I guess that’s what I am. I read faithfully, yet never comment. My apologies as I know lurking is very rude. We have children roughly the same ages and I’ve laughed and cried through your pregnancy and frosty experiences. We were actually pregnant for a while at the same time last year and due the same week. Now my heart leaps for joy in anticipation for the player-yet-to-be-named early next year.
    Thanks for the encouragement to de-lurk!

  6. Mostly lurker here. I’ve managed to pluck the courage to make a comment or two over here. I do love reading all things Danigirl, though.

  7. Hey, only about half you guys are really lurkers! I may not be able to remember what I did an hour ago, but I usually remember someone who has commented once or twice… or been kicking around for a couple of years jo(e) and Nancy!!

    Anyway, nice to “meet” the rest of you! Thanks for stepping out of the shadows to say hello.

    Edited to add: Kristin, my spam filter almost ate your comment. Sorry about that! And FWIW, I don’t think it’s rude to lurk at all – I lurk on tonnes of blogs, just reading and soaking it all up. But thanks for saying hello.

  8. I guess you could say I’m kind of a lurker too… but we Dad’s get value from your insights as well … one of my 7-year-olds came home recently with “Google” written on a piece of paper and tried to go online herself to find out what it was without telling us… rrrrr… parental controls here we come!

  9. Hmm, I used to always comment “I read every day!” whenever there was a de-lurking post on one of my favorite blogs. But today is Friday and your post is dated Wednesday, so I guess I’m a little late for that. How about, “I WANT to read every day but the baby’s fussy and my husband is out of town and the 3.5 year old has randomly been clinging to my leg for three days.” At least I have a lot of fun things to read when I finally have a chance to catch up on blog reading (even if I still don’t have time to comment.)

  10. I was way behind on blog reading, so I’m catching up on the last couple of weeks of your posts. Greetings from Saskatchewan!

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