Tristan’s big splash

It’s been such a lovely summer so far, full of sunshine and traveling and beaches and pools and water parks. I know we’ve had a good summer because we’re on our fourth package of swim diapers… that’s a lot of fun in the water!

Over the course of the summer, Tristan has gone from not quite being able to swim the width of the pool with a float to being able to swim very short stretches unassisted in a panicky sort of dog paddle. He’s shown a lot of improvement with all the time we’ve spent in the water lately, and has taken great delight in being able to jump off the side of the pool and “cannonball” into the shallow end.

Yesterday, we spend an unexpected but lovely four hours or so splashing about and lounging on the deck of our friends’ new pool. Despite Tristan’s improvement through the summer, I had serious reservations when my friend UberGeek asked Tristan if he’d like to jump off the diving board and UG would help him get to the ladder. It’s a testament to many, many years of friendship that I would even consider letting Tristan try – that, and the way Tristan’s face lit up when he said, “SURE!” and scrambled up onto the deck before I could even formulate a protest.

The first jump, as soon as Tristan surfaced sputtering and wide-eyed, UberGeek was there to grab him and guide him to the ladder. I took a deep breath of my own and bit back my maternal concerns as Tristan practically ran to the diving board for the next jump – and the next, and the next, and the next. By the end of the afternoon, he was jumping in and able to swim to the ladder completely unassisted, and was also able to swim most of the length of the pool with only minimal assistance. Just like getting up on two wheels, it’s amazing how quickly the little synapses fire in a growing brain to suddenly “get” a new activity and master it.

Simon too was the picture of contentment, splashing around in an unusual swim ring built into a t-shirt, a design I’ve never seen before. While getting him in and out of it was quite reminiscent of shoving him down the birth canal, it seemed a lot safer and sturdier than water wings or a traditional ring float.

In a single afternoon, Tristan went from barely able to swim a foot or two to jumping off the diving board and swimming to the edge, and I went from ensuring neither boy was further than arms’ reach away from a grownup to letting them splash and float contentedly around the deep and shallow ends under their own power. I’m simply gobsmacked. And it served as a good reminder that the boys are likely to be ready to take on new challenges far earlier than I’m going to be ready for them to do so.

I only wish I’d had a camera with me…

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

8 thoughts on “Tristan’s big splash”

  1. I LOVE it when they ‘get’ something new and wanna do it over & over & more & more. So much fun for them, and SO much pride for you. Great news!!
    My guys are rather strong swimmers for their age, but they are NEVER in a pool alone. Just in case….

  2. WOW. Nathan is still unsure of the water. He will get in and seim with a noodle and such but he willnot jump in or go down the slide and this is in a swimming lesson. SIGH…One day maybe. Miranda was the same timid around water. Although I would be like you just there swallowing the fear for them in my throat while watching them do something for the rist time. YIKES.

  3. It is an amazing thing to watch isn’t it? Abby did very much the same thing. One day she was just swimming and belly flopping and floating and swimming on her back.

  4. I remember one of my girls (I forget which one?) doing a similar thing with the diving board too and I was shocked. John M. decided last week to float solo with his life jacket on. He was very afraid to do this before, but all of a sudden, he got brave.

  5. We too have hit milestones with the water this summer. J has gone from being terrified of the pool to swimming with floaties. He jumps off the ladder and swims himself around the pool unassisted. And last weekend he was content to be in the lake without his wings. It was Mommy who insisted they go on. Congratulations on watching your boys grow, next time be sure to remember the camera ;).

  6. I’m embarrassed to admit, but I don’t know how to swim. I think this has inspired me to learn. Although this means I have to overcome my fear of water and swimming pools and goggles.

  7. I couldn’t understand some parts of this article ds from the Mothership » Tristan’s big splash, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.

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