
Sorry, folks. Nothing going on here today. I’m battling a dragon of a migraine, and there’s not much I can take to quell it, so I’m hiding out under the blankets instead. Do you have that ‘safe’ place, about two-thirds of the way to sleep, where the headache miraculously disappears? That’s where I’ll be floating today. Besides, there is no gift greater than sleep at this point in my life. Ah, it’s almost worth the headache and the rolling stomach to contemplate an 8-hour nap!

Talk amongst yourselves, and I’ll try to be back with something a little more energetic later today or tomorrow.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

30 thoughts on “Ouch”

  1. Take care of yourself, little mama.
    I used to get migranes on a regular basis and you’re doing the ONLY thing that can be done. Hide until it goes away with no light, no noise, in that semi-conscious state.
    Feel better!

  2. Take care of yourself, little mama.
    I used to get migranes on a regular basis and you’re doing the ONLY thing that can be done. Hide until it goes away with no light, no noise, in that semi-conscious state.
    Feel better!

  3. OOOO Hate those headaches..>Feel better Dani.
    We’ll wait for you. 😉
    Are ya better yet?
    Well I guess I’ll have to leave now…
    I’m leaving.

  4. OOOO Hate those headaches..>Feel better Dani.
    We’ll wait for you. 😉
    Are ya better yet?
    Well I guess I’ll have to leave now…
    I’m leaving.

  5. Awww, you are all so sweet. Thanks!Well, I’m back at work today, and my stomach is settled, but that’s as good as it gets. Blah!
    But hey, new commenters always make me feel better! Welcome, Karyn and Bob!

  6. Awww, you are all so sweet. Thanks!Well, I’m back at work today, and my stomach is settled, but that’s as good as it gets. Blah!
    But hey, new commenters always make me feel better! Welcome, Karyn and Bob!

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