In honour of Nancy, who seems to so enjoy them, we’re off on a Friday ramble.
I imagine it has something to do with the stress that has been radiating off of me this week, but the boys have been particularly pesky this week. A lot more whining, a lot more bickering, a lot more random mischief.
I’m getting ready for work this morning, and Simon is wandering around looking for trouble. I step out of the closet and catch sight of him just as he is about to dunk my little green watering can, stashed in the bathroom to tend to the last surviving plants in the house, into the toilet.
Gotta give him credit for ingenuity, if not hygiene.
Have you see the ubiquituous Advertising Slogan Generator? It’s good for at least five minutes of entertainment on a Friday. My favourite returns were:
“Poppin’ Fresh Postcards from the Mothership” and
“Choosy Mothers Choose Postcards from the Mothership”
Got my language test results back. Not great. I need to get a B level, but I only got an A. I know I’m capable of the B, but I got rather flustered during the interview. Bleah.
Ever wonder what the number one Billboard song was on the day you were born? What, you haven’t wondered?? Whyever not? Okay, maybe the nostalgia engine will be stoked if you look up the number one song on the day you graduated from high school, or lost your virginity, or the day you got married (or divorced!)
Gotta admit, I was a little disappointed with this one. The number one song on August 1 1968 was “Hello, I Love You” by The Doors – cool in a 60s kind of funky way; the number one song on August 1 1970 was “(They Long to Be) Close to You” by The Carpenters – pure fromage. But the number one song on the day I was born, August 1 1969, was “In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)” by Zager & Evans. What now by the who now? Sheesh.
And finally this little beauty via Adventures in Parenting. I love Flickr. I love soduko. What’s not to love about making your very own soduko with Flickr???
(Grrrr! There was supposed to be a very nice picture RIGHT HERE of my very own Flickr Soduko puzzle, featuring Tristan and Simon. But Blogger is being its usual obstinate self and will not let me post it. So, you’ll just have to click through and take a look for yourself.)
Whoops! A late-breaking addition: With all the Blogger trouble I was having this morning, I forgot to include this link to the official blog of the writers for Grey’s Anatomy, my new TV obsession. Thanks to JoJo, who really should have a blog, for pointing it out to me.
Found any fun stuff on the Interweb lately that you’d like to share with the class?
Dani, Dani, Dani, I love you for so many reasons and this being one of them! More ways for me to go and waste my time! I can’t wait to find out what song was number 1 on October 28, 1969!
Dani, Dani, Dani, I love you for so many reasons and this being one of them! More ways for me to go and waste my time! I can’t wait to find out what song was number 1 on October 28, 1969!
No wonder I loved the Visage cover of that song in the 1980’s! Here Dani:
Wow! Stuff I didn’t know, what with my remarkable grasp of the trivial!
Also, the best fun on the intereweb lately? The thing that lets me cut Josephine’s fingernails while she watches it:
Ten fingernails. Ten Toenails. You do the math.
No wonder I loved the Visage cover of that song in the 1980’s! Here Dani:
Wow! Stuff I didn’t know, what with my remarkable grasp of the trivial!
Also, the best fun on the intereweb lately? The thing that lets me cut Josephine’s fingernails while she watches it:
Ten fingernails. Ten Toenails. You do the math.
Only two comments all day, and none of them Nancy? What the…?
Only two comments all day, and none of them Nancy? What the…?
Woo-hoo! I love the Advertising slogan generator.
And the Billboard songs one is fun too. I got the Beatles “Can’t buy me love”, hooray hooray. My husband got “How much is that doggie in the window?” Ha.
Do your kids know about the virtual bubblewrap game?
We also love the song and video about a JCB bulldozer:
Have a fun weekend!
Woo-hoo! I love the Advertising slogan generator.
And the Billboard songs one is fun too. I got the Beatles “Can’t buy me love”, hooray hooray. My husband got “How much is that doggie in the window?” Ha.
Do your kids know about the virtual bubblewrap game?
We also love the song and video about a JCB bulldozer:
Have a fun weekend!
Yah, Marla, on a day when I was already feeling inadequate and incompetent, I kept checking to see if HaloScan was broken or something. Sigh. But I feel better today… the comments doubled overnight!!
(who me, a feedback junkie? Nah….)
Off to check out the guinea pig thing, which work wouldn’t let me view, and the virtual bubble wrap!
Yah, Marla, on a day when I was already feeling inadequate and incompetent, I kept checking to see if HaloScan was broken or something. Sigh. But I feel better today… the comments doubled overnight!!
(who me, a feedback junkie? Nah….)
Off to check out the guinea pig thing, which work wouldn’t let me view, and the virtual bubble wrap!
wahoo. the suduko is fantastic!!!
the british are mad for suduko – they have about a dozen puzzles in each paper. i’ve been in heaven 🙂
wahoo. the suduko is fantastic!!!
the british are mad for suduko – they have about a dozen puzzles in each paper. i’ve been in heaven 🙂
I LOVE the advertising generator link! Thanks for more mindless ways to waste time on the internet!
I used that other link before to look up the top song on my 18th birthday ’cause I’m told that’s supposed to be your life’s theme song. Unfortunately, it was something stupid by Simply Red. Ugh.
I LOVE the advertising generator link! Thanks for more mindless ways to waste time on the internet!
I used that other link before to look up the top song on my 18th birthday ’cause I’m told that’s supposed to be your life’s theme song. Unfortunately, it was something stupid by Simply Red. Ugh.
My oh my oh my….nice to be missed.
LOVE that slogan thingy!!
We Bring The Good Blog Pourri To Life.
Only Blog Pourri Has The Answer.
Make It A Blog Pourri Night.
Good for the ego – I could play with that thing all night.
My Birthday song sucks : 1966 … “Winchester Cathedral” by The New Vaudeville Band but both 67 (“Daydream Believer” by The Monkees) and 65 (“Turn! Turn! Turn!” by The Byrds) are way kooler – go figure.
GREY’S ANATOMY is also my #1 passion. Let’s chat. Didja see McDreamy on Baba Wawa?? I was rather let down with Dempsey and choose to keep McDreamy as my complete image of him.
I was gonna mention my Falling Woman but she is no longer available?? I love the bubble wrap, have played with that one already.
This is a GREAT Friday ramble Dani, even if it did take me till Saturday afternoon to read it.
My oh my oh my….nice to be missed.
LOVE that slogan thingy!!
We Bring The Good Blog Pourri To Life.
Only Blog Pourri Has The Answer.
Make It A Blog Pourri Night.
Good for the ego – I could play with that thing all night.
My Birthday song sucks : 1966 … “Winchester Cathedral” by The New Vaudeville Band but both 67 (“Daydream Believer” by The Monkees) and 65 (“Turn! Turn! Turn!” by The Byrds) are way kooler – go figure.
GREY’S ANATOMY is also my #1 passion. Let’s chat. Didja see McDreamy on Baba Wawa?? I was rather let down with Dempsey and choose to keep McDreamy as my complete image of him.
I was gonna mention my Falling Woman but she is no longer available?? I love the bubble wrap, have played with that one already.
This is a GREAT Friday ramble Dani, even if it did take me till Saturday afternoon to read it.