A few thousand words in pictures Thought I’d be a little lazy today. Besides, I wanted to show everybody why I have so much trouble keeping my house clean! (Isn’t he just adorable, though?) No related posts found. Author: DaniGirl Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante. View all posts by DaniGirl
I can’t think of the words I want to say to express just how much I wanna squeeeeeze that little one!!!
Thank you for admiring my little masterpiece! Now if only I could harness all that destructive energy for good… 😉 xo Danigirl
What a cute little guy! And he’s certainly a hard worker….
In answer to your question…yes he is :~)
I can’t think of the words I want to say to express just how much I wanna squeeeeeze that little one!!!
Thank you for admiring my little masterpiece! Now if only I could harness all that destructive energy for good… 😉
xo Danigirl