The one where her preschoolers use Google to find porn

The boys were playing on the computer the other day, while I was sitting on the couch nearby reading. I couldn’t see the monitor from where I was sitting, but I could hear the sound.

They’re getting quite proficient with the computer, and can load and play games pretty much without supervision. Their game of choice is Star Wars Lego, so when I heard rap music instead of the Star Wars theme bleating from the speakers, I was more intrigued than concerned.

I came around the corner in time to see they had made their way to You Tube, and were watching a video with Jamie Kennedy’s name plastered across the top. It was a stop-motion animation of Star Wars Lego minifigs set to some rap song, and as I blinked in surprise at the screen, the Princess-Leia-in-her-metal-bikini minifig was bent over double and spanked by a Police Man minifig.

(You’ll pardon me for not linking to it. I’m not sure if I could find it again if I wanted to, and I’m not sure I want to.)

Part of me is absurdly pleased with their computer literacy. I’ve watched Simon, who can’t spell and who is still dicey on his letter recognition, use Google to get to his favourite sites – which, prior to this week, were limited to Nickelodeon and the Wiggles and did not include Star Wars porn.

In this case, they had put their little (three and five year old, mind you) heads together, and used the Google search box in the toolbar. Tristan knows that Star Wars starts with S – heck, he can probably even spell it by now – and the autofill on the toolbar did the rest. One, two, three clicks on the Google search results and who knows what they could have come up with.

Needless to say, we’re now looking into parental controls for the Internet.