So, remember the iPod that didn’t survive the spin cycle? This week, I got my gift certificate in fulfilment of the product replacement plan with no questions asked. Last time I ever mock Beloved’s inability to purchase any electronic product without also buying extended warranty coverage!
The gift certificate was for the purchase price we paid for my 1G Nano back in the summer of 2006. Happy as I would have been to simply reacquire a replacement 1G Nano — they don’t sell them anymore. I was planning on spending a little bit out of pocket to get a 2G replacement, but they actually had the 4G Nano on sale for LESS than the price of the 2G. Go figure! (I have to laugh at this ridiculous amount of storage space when I think back to my first computer, a scant dozen years ago, that had what seemed like a ginormous 100 MG of memory… to say nothing of our first family computer, way back in the early 1980s. Remember the Sinclair ZX, with a stellar 16 KB of RAM and 16 KB of ROM? *snicker*)
So I’m now the proud owner of a “next generation” 4G Nano with a wider screen, video capability and the new “cover flow” menu. Isn’t it pretty and shiny?

And see that status bar at the bottom of the laptop screen? The blue part shows how much space I’ve used up with my existing music library. Even with everything I had on the old iPod, I still have more than 3G of available space. This is WAY too much iPod for me! (I don’t know how people with 80G iPods do it. I mean, seriously, that’s a hell of a lot of music. That may, in fact, be more music than I have ever owned in my entire life, cumulatively.)
So tell me, bloggy peeps, what music do I absolutely NEED to acquire to fill up all that empty space? (It’s worse than having money to burn, all those empty Gs just aching to be filled!) Enlighten me and my minimalistic, if not ecclectic, music collection. Name an album, an artist, a song or a genre, just help me fill my poor empty iPod.