You won’t be surprised how thrilled I am to welcome our newest bloggy sponsor: Points East Coastal Drive in beautiful Prince Edward Island! You don’t have to go very far back in my archives to see how madly in love we fell with PEI, and working with Points East Coastal Drive seemed like a perfect partnership – and gives me another excuse to talk about how amazing PEI is all the livelong day.
When we were planning our summer trip to PEI last year, we didn’t know anything about the Island. However, a bit of research revealed that the eastern side of PEI was a little more rural, a little more laid-back, and with an old-fashioned charm. In fact, the cottage we chose near Murray Harbour was at pretty much the south-easternmost point of the Island, and we spent the vast majority of our blissful week exploring the villages and attractions along the Points East Coastal Drive.
All of our favourite spots were in the Points East Coastal Drive region. Panmure Island:
Basin Head:
St Peter’s Bay and PEI National Park at Greenwich:
And of course, Souris:
We loved everything about this region – the red dirt roads cutting through rolling green fields, the breathtaking coastlines, the friendly and welcoming Islanders. And when we booked our 2015 summer vacation, we knew we wanted to stay in the Points East Coastal Drive region.
If you’re considering a summer getaway this year, I can’t say enough good things about the Points East Coastal Drive and the terrific resources they have to help plan your vacation. Need a place to stay? They have a list of accommodations as well as some package deals. If you’ve already booked your cottage but are looking to plan your adventure (this is my favourite part of vacation planning!) check out the day trips and discovery drives.
Or you could do what we did: choose a loose destination or direction, and follow the happy starfish signs along the road that map the Points East Coastal Drive to guide you to your next adventure!
Want more information? You can order a free Points East Coastal Drive Tour Map and the Prince Edward Island Visitor’s Guide from the Points East Coastal Drive site. And can I tell you that the printed map is the Best! Map! Ever! We love to explore and hate to take the same route twice, and this paper map was 1000x more useful than any app. In fact, crumpled and marked with coffee stains and sand and sunscreen though it was, it remains one of my favourite souvenirs from our trip last summer.
Hey, I just realized we’ll be arriving in PEI exactly three months from today. Time to get serious about our vacation obsessing planning! 🙂
So, who else is going to PEI this summer?
we loved Greenwich boardwalk and national park but have lots of other spots to check out in that area, including Souris.. on our list for this summers holiday!
this is a wonderful partnership for you , and PEI 🙂 you are a great ‘ambassador’ for this magical island!! Maybe NYC will offer me a similar deal? bahahahah 🙂
You’d make a great ambassador Sarah! If it weren’t for you, we might not have discovered Greenwich, and as you know we loved that part of the Island so much, that’s where we’re staying this year. Getting out to that boardwalk is top of my “to do” list, along with the Confederation Trail in that area. I am SO! EXCITED!!
It was great meeting you finally, Dani! I’m glad I came out even though I knew absolutely no one and probably looked like a dork standing by myself. Thanks for making me feel welcome, I loved Blog out Loud, what a marvelous idea.
I’m going to PEI this summer too, in August! That’s great that you are partnering up with PEI for the Points East drive. That’s my favourite area of the island, of course the beautiful singing sands,Basin head and Chef Michael Smith helps 😀 My partner’s family have a cottage in Point Prim so I always love doing that drive when we’re there. Just beautiful and man, are the people ever friendly. It’s funny because I actually found your blog when looking up PEI and then I see this, excellent!!! Can’t wait to get back there, looking forward to reading about your trip too!