What do you do when school rules and your rules don’t agree?

So here’s a question for you: what do you do when you disagree with the unofficial policies of your child’s school?

Today’s question is inspired in part by a note that came home yesterday insisting all students must wear splash or wind pants in the school yard or be kept inside at recess. This is the first I’ve heard of this requirement, and I have neither the resources nor, frankly, the inclination to try to find splash pants for all three of them. Midweek, no less. And spending $20 plus, multiplied by three, for something they’ll wear for a week or two does not appeal to me either. I sent a note back to the school to that effect, and each boy packed a pair of dry pants as a concilliatory gesture and “just in case” measure – but I trust them enough to believe that when they promise to stay out of the mud and puddles, they will do so.

To me, this gets into the grey area between school rules and parenting. I sympathize with the school’s desire to keep the muck and mud outside, but if they’re going to make splash pants mandatory, I’d like more than a day’s notice. An example that slips even further outside the zone of school responsibility, IMHO, was the time last fall when one boy had a piece of candy taken away the day after Halloween. A note came home saying the teachers did not feel that amount of sugar was appropriate for a morning snack. (In my defense, I had ALSO packed a piece of fruit. And I didn’t realize that Beloved had also slipped a piece of candy into each child’s lunch box, in addition to the treat I’d permitted. Regardless, I truly believe that unless I am packing varsol-filled thermoses and asbestos sandwiches, the school has no right to judge or interfere with what I put in their lunch boxes.)

I’m leery to even talk about these examples on the blog because I adore the boys’ school and the staff. I think they’re hard-working and kind and we’re lucky to be part of such a great community. But I’m curious as to how you handle these types of conflict because I am torn. For the most part, I’m happy to follow the rules even when I disagree with them and think it’s important that the kids see me respecting authority. Rules are in place for a good reason – most of the time. However, another part of me wonders if there isn’t value in teaching them to question authority when authority clearly oversteps its bounds (as I believe it has, in these two examples at least.) And finally, a part of me worries that causing trouble will somehow make the kids’ relationship with their teachers and school authorities more difficult than it should be or has to be. I don’t want them to be labled as troublemakers, even if by proxy.

125:365 Puddle jumper

(FWIW, I think the splash pants rule is maybe more acceptable for the littlest kids. I will continue to send Lucas in his ski pants, partly because he goes in the morning when it’s still cool and partly because I don’t think a four-year-old has the same ability to resist a puddle that a nine- or eleven-year-old might have.)

So what do you think? Would you let these things go or speak up? For the candy incident, I let it go. It was a well-intentioned action, even if it left me feeling judged and more than a little annoyed. For the splash pants, I simply can’t comply but I tried to offer up a reasonable compromise. Do you think there is value in talking back when you disagree with unofficial policies and rules like this, or is it better for community harmony to shrug it off and comply?

(Edited to add: in no way is this post intended to reflect poorly on the boys’ school or its administration. They have a difficult role balancing many competing priorities and I have nothing but respect and even affection for them. Even if I disagree with an occasional policy or two, I can’t say enough nice things about how lucky we are to be a part of such a great community and this post was in no way meant to be critical of them. I used these examples simply to illustrate a larger issue that I think many parents face, regardless of which school their children attend.)

The puppy project

To say I was unprepared for the upheaval in our lives due to the arrival of a puppy would be a bit of an understatement. A laughable understatement, really, since I’ve had dogs pretty much my whole life and puppies more than once. I have not, though, had a puppy with three kids and a cat and yard without a fence and a winter that will.not.quit. The combination is making me very, very tired.

For the most part, Bella is a great dog. She’s intelligent, has a wonderful nature, loves all the members of the family, and I think she’ll make a terrific lifelong companion. We just have to get through the puppy phase first.

Oy. Puppies. Nipping, peeing, willful, leaping, chewing, cat-chasing, obstinate puppies. It’s exhausting, the relentless puppyness of it all. Can we just fast forward to the year mark, where she’s housetrained and done teething and doesn’t keep confusing the kids’ feet with her chew toys?

It’s funny how much she (and we!) have changed since we brought her home about three and a half weeks ago. I thought at first she was on the timid and skittish side, but there’s very little trace of that left now. For the first few days, I had the hardest time just getting her outside to pee – she’d cower miserably by the door each time I tried to bring her outside. Now I have to bring her out on a leash most of the time as she so loves the yard and charging around it so much that we can’t get her back inside. She howled pitifully, trembled and was sick in her carrier the first time I brought her home in the car, and now she sits happily beside me in the passenger seat for short rides, only whining occasionally. I used to have to carry her away from the house (trembling in my arms the whole way) just so I could put her down and let her drag me back to the house — that was our version of a walk for the first week or so. She’s still terrible on leash, either pulling backwards or forwards half the time, but at least we can walk now, and she’s way better on a walk if her littermates, erm I mean, the kids, are out on a walk with her.

I think the thing that gave me most insight into her personality was bringing her for puppy class last week. We’re in a small class with only two other dogs (kind of defeats the socialization aspect, but oh well) and seeing how quick and bright and eager to please she is in the training session really gave me hope and reminded me that while it seems like we’re constantly scolding her for her puppy mischief, she’s actually a clever little girl who will do just about anything for a treat. And did I think this dog was timid? She was a little submissive with the older and larger Rottweiler (!) puppy, but while she tucked her tail and rolled on her back when he chased her, she just as quickly hopped up to chase and play with him.

I think maybe what I need is some valium. Oh, not for the puppy – for us! Our biggest challenge is not getting worked up about the puppy mischief and accepting it as both natural and (I hope) short-lived. Her worst transgressions to date have been tearing Tristan’s favourite jammies beyond repair, and peeing on a couple of beds. (How NOT to ingratiate yourself with your owners in one easy pee.) If I could snap my fingers and remove one behaviour problem, it would be nipping and jumping at the kids when she’s excited, so that’s what we’re working on the most but I’m finding it’s one of the harder ones to control because she does it out of pure excitement and joy to be with them. It’s also a huge challenge because she is at her most rambunctious in the early morning after I’ve gone to work but before the rest of them leave for school and work.

I know the responsibility is on our shoulders. We need to keep her chewing on the right things, exercising her regularly, showing her lots of love, and training her. We’ve lifted throw rugs and other things she might chew or pee on and the house is a warren of baby gates (much to the dismay of both Willie and Lucas.) Even though I’ve been through this before, though, I do not remember it being quite so exhausting! If I’m not scolding and redirecting the puppy, I’m scolding and redirecting the kids around the puppy. She sure is loveable, though. When she’s not out of her puppy mind with energy, she plays a great game of fetch (I love fetch!) and is very affectionate. She sleeps through the night with no problem in her crate and she’s getting better on leash for walks. She understands sit and stay, and is a little sketchier on ‘come here’ but we’re getting there. She’s only 14 weeks old after all!

Most adorably, her ears seem to be trying to become the stand-up shepherd ears I’ve always loved. Well, one of them is trying to stand up. Which might, after all, just amp up the cute factor.


I suppose the puppy project is just the last in a long list of obsessions over the years. Way way back it was crafty things, then woodworking, and I went through a sewing phase. More constantly in the past few years have been blogging and photography, and losing 30 lbs was another one back a couple of years ago. So if you see a little less of me online in the next little while, at least you’ll know why. I’m working on the puppy project.

Any puppy advice, oh clever bloggy peeps? Share your stories of puppy insanity and how you survived, please. I’ll read the comments on my iPhone as I pace the frozen back yard with Bella, waiting for pee and spring.

Edited to add: Ha! The blog’s related post feature thinks this post about life with 14 month old Lucas, written nearly four years ago almost to the day, sounds suspiciously similar to life with 14 week old Bella. Why yes it is, clever blog. So you’re trying to tell me something? (Reading that old post brought a smile to my face. Okay, we CAN get through this, too!)

This week in pictures: Bella and the turkeys and other signs of spring

I managed to avoid taking a whole week of Bella photos again, but I was so busy working with her on housetraining and other doggie manners that I missed taking a photo a couple of days this week, and relied on quickie iPhone snaps to fill in a few more gaps.

Some photos just beg to be taken, although I do wish I’d had a little more time to play with this and maybe try to remove that glare from Beloved’s glasses. In a house full of boys, Bella has easily stolen the role of Daddy’s Girl.

Daddy's girl?

Of course, part of my dog training regimen has been teaching her to pose for the camera.

Curious Bella

Have you heard about the wild turkey problem in Barrhaven? We saw them for the first time a few months ago, and when I saw this pair stopping traffic on my way home from doing errands early one Saturday afternoon, I had to stop and snap a few photos. I thought I had a really great video of them attacking a Mazda as it backed up and tried to drive around them (they really are fearless!) but apparently I’m a better photographer than videographer – I didn’t manage to turn on the video button. Just another couple of turkeys on the fowl prowl in suburbia…

Just a pair of suburban turkeys on the prowl

And look, more signs of spring – buds on the birch trees in the back yard!

Spring sky and birch trees

And last but certainly not least, one of the surest signs of spring: Easter egg decorating!

Easter egg fun

Easter egg fun

Easter egg fun

Hope your Easter was filled with spring and sweet treats!