It went something like this…
** ring ring **
Hey Universe, it’s DaniGirl calling!
DaniGirl! Always a pleasure to hear from you, friend. What’s new?
Ha, as if you don’t know. Universe, you are a mischevious scamp!
Well, that’s true enough, but what in particular insipres you to say so?
You’re making me a little crazy with the good-news bad-news game you play. Couldn’t we just skip the stress of things falling apart and then things falling in to place to make them okay again and just stay on an even keel for a while? Do we have to do this every time?
Oh, I get it. You’re ticked off about the porch!
Damn right I’m ticked off about the porch. More like devestated – I moped for days when I found out that we’d have to tear up the porch and the garden in front of the house to replace the seeping sewage pipe that runs from the house to the septic tank.
Well, you could look on the bright side. A seeping sewage pipe is a lot easier to deal with than, say, a burst sewage pipe spewing unpleasantness all over your basement.
I know, I know! I am supremely grateful for that. And I’ve found what I hope is a decent contractor who will not only carefully disassemble the porch and dig up the pipe so the plumbers can come and replace it, but he’ll then reassemble the porch and give it the paint job that I’m now really glad we didn’t end up giving it in April like we’d planned.
See, that’s all good news!
But Universe — it’s the porch! When we first fell in love with the house, it was because there was an amazing treehouse in the back and this spectacular porch in the front, and hey lookit that, a really nice house sandwiched in between them. And now the treehouse floor is rotting and the porch — the porch! — needs to be torn up. And as if all that weren’t enough, you know I use the porch as my photo studio. I’m pretty sure nobody ever had to tear up Karsh’s photo studio to replace a damn poop pipe!
Now now, DaniGirl, don’t get yourself into a froth. You seem quite confident that your new contractor friend will put the porch right back together again, and with a fresh coat of paint to boot! The garden will grow back – it’s all good! And speaking of photos, didn’t you like that little gift I sent you under the guise of your monthly sales statement from Getty Images?
Erm, ya, I did kind of cry when I opened my sales statement this month and saw that it was four figures. I can’t believe some ad agency in the UK paid more than $4500 to use this photo of Beloved and Lucas in their advertising campaign. The part about potential use on a billboard has us all snickering. So that does help cover more than half the cost of the poop pipe repair and unexpected porch renovation. Um, thanks for that!
Watching your reaction was more than worth it, DaniGirl. You were pretty funny, sitting in the parking lot of the boys’ school, bawling your eyes out as you read the statement on your iPhone!
Ya well, you kind of caught me off guard with that one. I made more from the sale of that one photo than I have with the rest of my Getty sales combined! So, um, Universe, at the risk of sounding ungrateful….
Yes, DaniGirl?
Um, would it be possible to ask for one more thing? I’m not trying to be greedy, but… well, you remember when we replaced the furnace in December?
Yes, that was another big bill you paid out this year.
Indeed. I swear, we are rebuilding this house one disaster at a time. It’s like Steve Austin: “We can rebuild it… we have the technology.” Ahem, anyway, remember how the furnace guys found the coil for the air conditioner so full of dog hair that they said they couldn’t clean it, they’d have to replace it? And if they did that, they’d pretty much just have to replace the entire A/C unit? And we looked at the $5K we’d just forked out for the furnace and balked at the idea of spending another $3K on the spot to get a new A/C unit?
Yes, I remember all that. Seemed like a good financial choice at the time.
Ya, we thought so, too. It seemed like a very prudent plan to save a few bucks and do without A/C — in the winter time. Universe, it was bloody unbearable hot in the house yesterday. So if you don’t mind, could you keep the temps down to a nice mild 30C or so for the summer? I don’t mind it hot, but 42C in the humidex is a little much. Seriously, Ottawa was the hottest spot in the whole damn province yesterday!
Hmmm, I’ll see what I can do, DaniGirl.
Or, yanno, if you can’t do that, maybe another one or two of those jaw-dropping statements from Getty? Just, yanno, until we get the house issues under control again? Oh, and please, for the love of all things holy, could you please send a little extra protective vibe when they replace the poop pipe? I can handle the repair to the sewage pipe, but I still live in fear that something bad (and expensive) will happen to that septic tank. Replacing the septic tank would make the poop pipe repairs seem like, well, a drop in a very unpleasant bucket.
I’ll let you know, DaniGirl. You just keep taking those photographs!
Oh I will, Universe. You know I couldn’t stop now even if I wanted. Take care of yourself!
Always a pleasure to hear from you. Until next time, DaniGirl…
That is crazy biscuits, the phiotograph I mean. Congratulations, I would have been crying too!
…and sorry to hear about the poop pipe. ๐
I love your talks with the universe.
Congrats on the Getty’s purchase.
congrats on your Getty sale … sorry about the porch.
I’m dying to know if your cat streak has continued??
Hahaha! Charlotte, yes!! The streak remains unbroken – I’ve sold a cat picture each month since October! ๐
I’m a few days late reading this, but HOLY SMOKES! Congrats, Dani!! I’d be crying too! Any way you could get someone to snap a picture of the billboard if they see it??
It’s funny that you wrote about Getty again. I spend some time this last week poking around the site… and kinda don’t get it. I’d love to sit and pick your brain about it sometime. Can I buy you a coffee/something stronger?
I think I might need to invite myself along to your date with Amy (Hi Amy, I don’t know you but I love your work!) so I can get the lowdown on Getty too. The universe and I were just discussing the 10K roof job our house is in desperate need of, I think this post may be a sign…..
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