This week in pictures: In which perserverance wins out over inspiration

There are weeks when I live for my camera and my computer, and weeks like this one where I keep taking pictures and putting up blog posts because of some sort of internal imperative. I think I learn things from each extreme. I’m sure this brief period of physical and creative lethargy will pass, and even so the pictures this week have merit enough to post, I think. After so long blogging and taking pictures, I’m not sure I know how to stop.

It certainly wasn’t the weather that was sapping my energy this week. It’s been summer interluding at the end of winter, and I’d be happy if it just stayed on through October.

Look, spring flowers in mid-March!

#fromwhereistand - first flowers!

And beyond warm breezes and early flowers, the return of spring also means a migration out of the house and on to the porch. (I’ve also been reading the Hunger Games trilogy on Beloved’s Kindle, another thing that has been pulling me away from my camera and the keyboard.)

hallo porch, how i've missed you!

I spent a lot of time this week admiring the buds on the branches as they got fatter and fatter.

Spring sky

Branching out

I would never have imagined wandering the Byward Market with bare legs and sandals before the first of April but I did just that more than one day this crazy week. The fishy design in the concrete caught my eye.

#fromwhereistand - something's fishy!

When I noticed Lucas surfing his hand on the breezes coming in through the open car window, I snapped this with my iPhone, but when I saw the final picture it reminded me of something more nostalgic – road trips and sunshine. I found this quote from Dave Barry to go with it: “And that’s the wonderful thing about family travel: it provides you with experiences that will remain locked forever in the scar tissue of your mind.” 🙂

"And that's the wonderful thing about family travel:  it provides you with experiences that will remain locked forever in the scar tissue of your mind."  ~Dave Barry

And some pictures you take just because they’re too cute not to take.

Evil croco-boy attack

I think this is the first week I’ve taken every single picture with my phone. My poor Nikon must be wondering where I’ve gone, but I’m really enjoying the different set of skills it takes to pull together a good iPhone picture. The iPhone seems to scratch an itch I used to satisfy with my TtV kit — but it’s a heck of a lot more convenient.

I promise a return to more regular blogging in the near future, too. I think the key to getting through a creative drought is equal parts inspiration and stubborn determination. Fake it ’til you make it, you know?

What do you do when your muse is on vacation?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

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