In which she achieves maximum geekery

This? Makes me insanely happy.

Star Wars family geekery

I just waited nearly an hour in line for a car wash so I could properly apply my new Star Wars family decals!! The minute I saw them on pinterest, I had to have them. The only debate was whether Beloved would be Darth Vader or Han Solo. “Luke, I *am* your father!” still gets a lot of play around here, but there was no question that I would be Princess Leia (haven’t I wanted to be her just about my whole life?) and if Beloved were Darth Vader then that would leave me representing the entire Rebel Alliance on my own. Which, come to think of it, really isn’t all that far off from reality, is it?

In the end, though, my life-long love of scruffy-headed nerf herders won out. I mean, who doesn’t have a crush on Han Solo? We let the kids pick out their own decals, so that’s Boba Fett, a clone trooper and a jawa in descending chronological order. The at-at and the mouse droid are a nice touch for Katie and Willie, don’t you think?

Star Wars geekery FTW!!!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

5 thoughts on “In which she achieves maximum geekery”

  1. Thanks all! Fun, eh? And yes Wendy, my darling ’09 Mazda 5. Best family car EVER! When Beloved’s Focus wagon finally bites the carburetor, we’ll be getting another one to replace it. LOVE this car!

  2. I’m such a proud pinner right now to have shared these with the world that way. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Congrats on your geekery. I cannot wait to show Matt. He’s the one who pointed them out to me.

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