It seems I’m doing most of my picture-taking at sunrise and sunset these days. Not really surprising, since they bookend the work day, and with continuing mild temperatures, dusk and dawn are pleasant times to be out hunting for interesting shots.
These spiky, weedy things, for example. I have no idea what they are, but they make an interesting silhouette in front of the rising sun, don’t you think?
And this one, too. The morning sun blazing through a couple of branches and falling on some but not all of the leaves made an interesting composition early one morning. Tip: look for triangles when you’re composing your photographs — threes and triangles always seem to have extra visual appeal. Why do you think I had three boys? 😉
This is a sunny beauty of another sort. May you find in your life the joy of being three years old and on a swing!
I am drawn to old barns, especially the really decrepit ones. I couldn’t get far enough back to get all of this one in the frame without falling in the ditch on the other side of the road (apparently there *is* a limit to how far I’ll go to chase a picture!) so I’m not entirely satisfied with this one — but it’s close enough.
I took this one last weekend when we visited my brother’s family. It always warms my heart to see the boys interacting with my parents.
With this long, lovely and mild autumn, I’ve been slow to get all the leaves raked up. I’d stuffed more than 20 bags myself over a couple of weeks when I finally bribed enlisted the boys to help me. I filled another three while they jumped and tossed and eventually filled this one. With nearly 30 bags filled, I think we’re finally ready for the inevitable snowfall.
Speaking of snow, how do you like these spectacular squall clouds? As I was driving home on Thursday, I was on the lookout for the perfect foreground for these towering snow clouds, and when I saw the baled hay in this field I knew it was perfect. (I’d stopped and taken quite a few others, but I love how the light behind me makes the field golden, and how those giant clouds dwarf the huge trees in the foreground.) Ian Black featured this photograph on his weather report on the CBC Ottawa news on Friday night. 🙂
Not long now and you’ll be seeing a lot of snow pictures, I think. How much longer can this blissfully mild autumn interlude last?
Lovely pictures Dani!
We’ll take the nice weather as long as we can. Even I’m starting to worry what will happen when winter does decide to come, but maybe that won’t be until December 22.
As always your photos are wonderful Dani.
I love the squall clouds. It reminds me of home (Sask).
Leaves….yeah…about those…mine are still on the ground. They are all dry and crisp. Perfect texture for the lawn mover to mulch them while on its last past trough for the year. I detest raking and Lil’ Man will only jump in the piles I make so it is pointless. 😉
Winter will come very shortly. With how cold it was this morning I am guess later this week or early next week we will have snow. *fingers crossed*