It’s quarter past six in the morning, and nobody else is awake yet, so I feel just a wee bit less guilty stealing onto the computer to say hello. I can’t believe it’s still dark out! Sigh. Summer is almost over.
Even though school doesn’t start for another week, the big boys are in circus camp (!) all next week and Lucas starts with a new caregiver, so it will be pretty close to our fall routine. And of course I’m still adjusting to the new and improved commute — soon to be in the dark, from the looks of things.
Can anyone tell me why I have a bazillion ideas for blog posts when I’m running around like my hair is on fire and can’t find two seconds to string together, and when the house is quiet and sleeping on a Sunday morning, I can’t recall a single darn one of them?
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and let you know that I’m thinking of my bloggy peeps, even if my crusty old brain can’t come up with a more compelling post than this.
Are you sad that summer is almost over, or are you twitchy for the back-to-school madness to begin?
Hello ~ It’s 3:09 p.m. and I’m trying to catch up with reading. I haven’t keep up with my regular comments but I have been reading your site and your tweets.
Very happy for you that your photography business has taken off so well over the summer for you. Sorry that you have yet again to get on the day-care carousel and hope that Lucas is able to stay settled in this one for a good while.
Yes, I am sad for the summer to come to an end. I love the heat, love the warm rains and the warm breezy days, not to mention all the colour and scents coming from my garden. No kids to rush out the door in the morning come the Fall so school starting up is not a big concern around here. Hope the new puppy is doing well, going to miss the kids once they head off to classes.
Good luck with the new job, don’t tweet while you’re stuck in the commute and have a great Fall.
P.S. Talk about rushing summer out the back door…what’s with Costco putting out their Christmas stuff already?!
Feel free to edit my comment…I need to put a sticky note on my screen *proof read you i.d.i.o.t*. What comes out of my head is never orderly, punctuated properly, nor grammatically correct.
Here in Montréal, school starts tomorrow morning. Is fall at our door? You bet, especially with the weather we had today. And there is no ‘back’ to school here, it’s the very first day of school for my daughter – my husband went back to college last monday too. We will have to figure out on the way how we’ll manage all this. Wish me luck, even if it’s also very exciting!
I love this post! We have a couple more weeks of summer then school starts. We have staggered start for JK, but once our daughter starts it is everyday mornings. We’re trying to work towards a routine now but hubby’s not necessarily listening.
We concluded summer was over when I went swimsuit shopping mid August and most places had replaced their swimsuits with Christmas decor. Not that I’m complaining, but what happened to Hallowe’en? Then the tree in our front yard turned and dropped all its leaves. But Home Depot is still selling lawn mowers and patio furniture instead of snowblowers, so at least we can tell it’s not winter yet…
I’m looking forward to fall and the start of activities, so long as we get at least one camping trip in this summer…
I’m beyond twitchy and downright delirious for school to start. This last week, when camps are all closed and my uni is back at work but the public schools are not yet in session is the hardest week of the year. So many kid emotions, and so many work/home conflicts (and my spouse is on the other side of the continent at a conference). School can’t open soon enough for me! But I am sad at the end of the summer, too.
I keep a notebook or use my iPhone to keep notes upon notes of blog ideas. Most never get written but I also don’t loose them that way.
Summer is almost over and with that Lil’ Man is excited to start Grade One the day after Labour Day. He LOVES school. I am not kidding. He wants to go even when he is sick. I wish I had that dedication.