I‘m so happy that I decided to document another year in pictures. I’m sure that I’d’ve been carting my camera around with me everywhere anyway, but it’s giving me lots of inspiration to go out and take lots of different kinds of pictures, which I think is clear from this week’s mishmash of subject matter!
Really, it’s all about the light. I was carrying a load of folded laundry into Lucas’s room last weekend when I noticed how the sun was hitting the shelves in his room, and I literally dropped the basket so I could go get my camera before it shifted too much. (It’s true, I’m just in favour of *any* excuse not to put away folded laundry, surely one of the most onerous and despised of domestic tasks.) Doesn’t this just capture something elemental about childhood, though?
And speaking of Lucas: he may not be potty trained, but at least I’ve got him trained to smile on cue. Personally, I think the latter is a more valuable skill at this point in our family’s life!
This fanciful bit of glass has made it into the 365 project already in TtV form. In this one, I like how the screen door behind it gives the bokeh (the out of focus areas) that square mesh look.
I bought milk in this jug months ago explicitly for the purpose of taking a picture of it… and then it sat on my kitchen counter waiting, waiting, waiting. (No, I didn’t leave the milk in it that whole time.) I tried several variants of cookies near bottle and cookies in front of bottle before I finally had the brainwave of cookies on top of bottle. I think it took me about 30 minutes and as many shots before I finally got this one. Obsessive much? I do love how it turned out though!
This was Wednesday, the first really lovely day of spring, and the boys had broken out the bikes for the first time since we moved here. I love the expressions on their faces, totally candid and unaware that I was even taking their picture.
I found out this week that — horrors!! — my new camera doesn’t fit into my TtV contraption! I’ll have to adjust the neck of it a bit to accommodate some of the fiddly bits that the D7000 has that the D40 doesn’t. Oh well, I don’t mind using the D40 as a dedicated TtV camera in the interim. This is what I call an early version of the CameraPhone. 😉
I’d been walking around outside looking for something to photograph, and when I came back in the house Beloved and the big boys were piled like a heap of puppies on the couch. I pointed my camera at them and snapped, and I like this one so much that I made a gallery canvas of it with a coupon I had. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!
And, since this week was the end of March, I also made a mosaic of all my pictures for the month.
Who knew March could be so lovely? 🙂
Great shot of the boys on the couch. That will look wonderful once it is printed.
Oh, and the camera phone is so cute. You should make a T-shirt of it. If not for you, for me. I would totally wear that on a shirt. 😀
*btw is was nice to finally meet FTF other than passing by in the Santa Clause parade*
Beautiful photographs but my favourite is of all your *boys* on the sofa. WOW!
I’m happy you decided to do another year in pictures too! Love the early camera phone! My grandparents had both of those toys. Brings me right back!
Hi! Can I ask how you make that mosaic? I do scrapbooking but havent had time this past couple years. I would love though to be able to do a mosaic like that and just print it off on a 8.5×11 sheet or something. Thanks!!
Hi Shannon! Sorry it took me a few days to answer you on this — I use this for my mosaics: http://bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php