Dear World,
Could you please slow down just a bit? I am so far behind now, between my work and home and online lives, that I may have to live to 350 to get all caught up.
To that end, I’m curious. I get anywhere from one to ten random, unsolicited e-mails a day with some sort of pitch or news release or information in them. I do a quick triage as they come in, and even if I’m not interested, if it’s obvious someone has taken the time to personalize their form letter even a bit, I will find a couple of polite words to decline.
For those of you who receive these unsolicited pitches, I’m curious — do you respond to each one?
I’m heading out in a bit to see Tristan’s class play. He has the lead! I have butterflies of anticipation in my stomach for him already! He plays a tiger shark who just wants everyone to get along. Too cute for words!
We’ve been studying his lines for two weeks. It’s astonishing to me how quickly and easily he memorizes things. Or maybe it astonishes me how creaky and slow my own brain has become by comparison.
I also have to remember to stop over at Costco to pick up the photographs I sent for printing. How cool is this? A guy in Ireland is doing a gallery show on through the viewfinder (TtV) photography. He’s asked TtV photographers from all over the world to send him 4×4″ TtV prints, which will be mounted with a dot of velcro onto a giant mural nine metres long and one metre tall. Gallery patrons will be invited to take home one of the photos, and the gaps will be replenished through the duration of the show. We can submit as many prints as we want (he’s hoping to get more than 2000 prints) and include on the back any publicity or contact information we want.
So, there’s a good chance that some stranger in Ireland will take home a print of one of these as a souvenir:
How cool is that? My first gallery showing — well, me and a couple hundred other TtV fanatics, but I’ll take it!
I generally don’t respond to unsolicited emails if I’m not interested. I do respond if they take the time to follow up however. It’s pretty much case-by-case.
i don’t generally respond to emails i am not interested in. on the days that i am really peeky and the email reads “i love your blog and was wondering if…” and they are pitching something that opbviously is so far form anything i would be remotely interested in, or is something solely sold in the US, i tend to send a snarky reply, in the lines of ‘if you actually did read my blog…”
how increasibly totally cool is that gallery show! you must be beyond excited. heck, i’m excited for you! i’d take the pinwheel in a heart beat.
If the email is not addressed to me personally (i.e. a generic “Hello bloggers” or “hi” or not even an introduction), then I feel no obligation to respond to it.
I usually reply to sales pitch or propositions that sound at least a little bit personal, no mass emailed. I got some nice opportunity blogging-wise so I don’t want to discard them!
I don’t really bother replying to formatted offers because I doubt they expect a negative reply anyway. Either you are interested either you aren’t.