Looking for an Ottawa family to make pancakes on CBC. (No, really!)

Got this note just now from a contact at CBC:

CBC Ottawa is doing a food series and is looking to film a mom making pancakes/waffles for their young children sometime in the morning this week (the earlier the better). We’re hoping to also have one of the children read the ingredients off the pancake box. SO, if you’re a mom with a kid who can read and would like to be on TV, please email (sannah.choi@CBC.CA) for more details! Thanks!

Mmmm, pancakes!

Send your replies of interest directly to Sannah, but do let me know when I should tune in to see you on CBC should you be the featured pancaker. 🙂

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

4 thoughts on “Looking for an Ottawa family to make pancakes on CBC. (No, really!)”

  1. “We’re hoping to also have one of the children read the ingredients off the pancake box.”

    .. I make pancakes, but no part of the process involves a box. Is CBC endorsing box foods now?

  2. that was my comment, too – my kid can read the recipe book, would that do? :p

  3. LOL, and when I make them from the box I feel like I’m being all fancy, because they don’t come out of the freezer and into the toaster.

    Apparently the segment is about the number of ingredients in the box mix versus scratch, and speaks favourably to scratch, so you can stand down on your complaints to the CRTC. 😉

    (hahaha, again, the captcha slays me -> “television biddy”)

  4. HI Rae & Valerie,

    Sorry, I should have been more clear. We’re doing a food series and one of the items is on food additives. We’d like to show the parent(s) making the pancakes/waffles from scratch and show that there are only a few ingredients needed. We were thinking of then getting a child to read the 32 ingredients off of a pancake box to show how many additives there are in it. Anyways, it’s not necessary that your child can read, but we thought it might add an interesting touch.

    If you’re interested, please contact me at sannah.choi (at) cbc (dot) ca.


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