Project 365: In which she comes perilously close to running completely out of things to photograph

After more than 350 days of taking pictures, I’m running out of steam. I still love taking the pictures and processing the pictures and especially sharing the pictures, but I have to admit that I’m just not as keen to go out and hunt for the pictures, yanno? So most of this week’s photos were taken of things that were nearby. Call me lazy! (And, I just noticed, probably the first week since I got my Duaflex in October that I don’t have a TtV shot.)

This may be my favourite shot of the week. We went tobogganing on New Years Day. Okay, so that’s not quite true. The big boys went tobogganing (and somehow Simon coerced Tristan to pull his sled up the hill for him each time, cementing my assurance that he will go far in life) while Lucas sat in the snow and ate large handsful of it.

346:365 Sledding

This was not the same day, but just as there were lots of flower shots in July, there’s lots of kids-playing-in-snow shots to be collected in January!

351:365 Simon in the snow

And even when they’re inside, kids at play make for a charming subject, don’t you think? (I called this one “Building a fort with Tristan is a hair-raising experience!”)

Building a fort with Tristan is a hair-raising experience!

This is part of a blog post I was planning to write this week and never quite got around to it. I was poking around in the basement looking for my old LPs for a half-formed 365 idea and I came across an carton with tonnes of old school papers in it. I found this, the journal I was required to keep in English class the year I was in Grade 11: February to June, 1986. One word: boycrazy. Another word? Painful. Really, it’s a wonder I survived to see 17.

347:365 Dear Diary

This next one? Classic “oh crap, what am I going to take a picture of today?” Oh look, there’s my makeup bag. Haven’t taken a picture of anything in there yet. *sounds of rummaging* Stubby lipstick? Nah. Mascara? Not feeling it. Compact — pretty colours. Excellent! Reflection — even better. Macro filter? Delightful. Picture done!

350:365 Compact colours

What’s that? You say you can’t get enough of the baby fingers at work pictures? Me neither.

349:365 I can do it myself

This was from my mental checklist of “things I noticed that might make a good picture some day.” Now that I’m within two weeks (eep!) of finishing, I can start using them up! This is from the pine tree in front of the boys’ school.

352:365 Snowy Pinecones

I like this one because it reminds me of those blissful three or four days over the Christmas holidays when I spent most of Lucas’s nap time in heaven with a hot cup of coffee, a wee snack, and the latest Stephen King, a gift from Beloved. I can’t remember the last time I spent back to back to back afternoons curled up with a book!

348:365 Afternoon delight

And finally, last week marked the last day of December, so here’s the full month in pictures.

December mosaic

Less than two weeks to go!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

6 thoughts on “Project 365: In which she comes perilously close to running completely out of things to photograph”

  1. Eeek, you’re in the final stretch now! Btw, I love how the snow in the first picture almost looks pinkish. You don’t see it in the second picture, but there’s just a subtle hint in the first shot. Or is it just me?

  2. Ari, I’m laughing because that was more of a mistake than anything. Getting snow to turn out white is a surprisingly hard thing to do! I spent a LOT of time dickering with the white balance in photoshop this week and have to admit, I was not overly satisfied with the results.

  3. Would you mind if I used the book/coffee mug picture for my book club website. I’ll credit you.

  4. Hi Eleanor, if you’d like to e-mail me at danicanada (at) gmail (dot) com, we can chat about your request. Thanks!

    And, thanks for asking and not just taking. :)))

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