Just dropping in to say fare ye well, all.
Beloved brought home Beatles Rockband for the Wii yesterday, and we tried it out this afternoon. It’s way too much fun. No really? WAY too much fun.
Since I simply don’t have any more room in my life for a new addiction, I’m going to have to give y’all up. The blog, the 365, everything. Play Helter Skelter and you’ll understand. Or Come Together on the bass. So very sweet.
So, this is goodbye. It’s been fun. So long and thanks for all the fish!
(Okay, not really, but seriously, it really rocks. Would anyone like to come and fold the laundry so I can play a few more tunes? It’s really wicked cool fun!)
oh, soooooo jealous. considering having a rock band party, perhaps??
ooh, I so want Rockband Beatles.
I’ll come fold your laundry, if you’ll let me play the Rockband when I’m done…
Sounds like sooooo much fun….I want it too!
I am a Rock Band junky… not too sure on this Beatles thing.
I,myself, am toying with Guitar Hero 5 (because I need to be Shirley Manson.)