I hope you’ve noticed by now that I really don’t bother with reviews and giveaways if I can’t stand behind the product. I guess that kind of predisposes me to positive reviews, but I just don’t want to clutter up my space, not to mention take up your time, with a lot of random junk. That’s why I haven’t had a lot of stuff to review earlier this year — nothing caught my attention as worthy. And then, in classic it-never-rains-it-pours fashion, I’ve recently been offered all sorts of neat stuff to share with you.
First, there was the MoonJars, and you seemed to agree with me that that was a pretty cool idea. Then came the book Hell is Other Parents. (That works in to today’s giveaway – wait for it.) And now, let me tell you about Burt’s Bees products.
I’d seen the Burt’s Bees products in stores, and knew they had a reputation for quality, but had never tried their products until my sister-in-law included one of their little tins of lip balm in a Christmas gift a couple of years back. It’s hands-down my favourite lip balm ever, and I’ve always got at least two tins on the go. I keep one in my purse, and one on the bedside table. It’s got this refreshing little zing of peppermint — love it!
Since then, I’ve also tried some Burt’s Bees tinted lip gloss (liked the consistency and the texture, but the colour I chose made my teeth look a bit yellow) and we’re on our third container of Burt’s Bees baby wash. So when I was offered a collection of Burt’s Bees products to review, including a small sample pack to give away, of course I said yes.
When the package arrived, I was taken aback by its heft — I had no idea Burt’s Bees had such an extensive line of high-end products! So far, I’ve tried the night cream (I’m torn — I really like it, but using ‘night cream’ makes me feel old!), the exfoliating body wash (LOVE!) and the Miracle Salve (LOVE!)
Here’s what I have to share today: a Burt’s Bees Radiance Healthy Glow kit set including sample-size Radiance day, night and eye cream, body lotion, bar soap, exfoliating body wash, and lip shimmer; plus a tin of the best lip balm ever; and a bonus full-size container (not shown) of peppermint-rosemary body wash. AND, because I’m having an “Oprah’s favourite things” moment, except here you get club soda instead of champagne, I’m including my slightly used but well-enjoyed copy of Hell is Other Parents as well. Think of it as a “indulge yourself because you deserve it” kit.
Sound good? All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, between now and midnight EST on Tuesday, September 8, telling me why you are worthy of a little self-indulgence right now. (Come on, surely you can come up with something!) You must be willing to share your mailing address with me so I can mail the prize pack out to you. A winner will be chosen at random based on comments received.
Love, love the Burt’s Bees products that I’ve tried including the lip gloss and peppermint foot lotion. As a mom of 3 under 5 enjoying life’s simple pleasures is where it’s at right now. So is sleeping more than 3 hours straight!
I was all keen to sign up for the giveaway, but I’m not very worth of self-indulgence. Life is good right now…
I can vouch for Tricia above – she really does need to be pampered!!! Hmm… I’ll play the “Fulltime Working Mom with 3 boys” card. I am lucky to have a stay at home Husband but will promise to share the goodies with him too!
I’m worthy!! Due with #2 on the 28th of the month….and I am SO done like dinner! I walk like a gimp with sciatic issues and have developed carpal tunnel syndrome (my computer time has to be seriously limited…nooooo!!!).
So, I could use a wee bit of pampering!!!
Also most recently discovered, by far my most favourite lip balm! I went through the first one, noticed such a difference, and am now stocking up. I have two (blush) in my purse, a regular and a tinted, I like the pink one, but a brownish one my cuzzin gave me is icky on me. I have yet to try any of their other products, but just had to join in on this one to shout out how much I was pleasantly surprised at Burt’s Bees lip balm!
Oh, not pining for the prize, no worthy at this time, just wanting to share my MOST important and life altering opinions.
So worthy for so many reasons but the best one came today. While the kids were out of the house…I reclaimed my bathroom!
Since the day Jaimie decided to see what Amelia would think of our super soaker tub there have been a collection of ducks, fish, nets, sprinkle toys and empty Johnson’s Baby Wash bottles littered around my beautiful grown up girl, “calgon take me away” bathroom. And I can’t count how many times I have slipped into a steaming hot bath only to have a naked four year old jump in and scream “turn on the cold Mommy!”
Well no more. I relocated the toys and bottles to the kiddie bathroom. I cleared the counter of all junk. I cleaned out the medicine cabinet and place lots of candles around my tub. And the best? I put one of those “spinnies” on the door so all streakers will be halted in their path!
Because my daughters have morphed overnight from sweet awesomeness to satan’s spawns for no apparent reason. I just don’t get it…
After having a summer off, I am back to work as SK teacher of 19 students. A little self-indulgence might be nice… especially with all the open-houses and curriculum nights we have coming up.
A little pampering would go a long way to giving me the strength to make lunches. It’s what, day four? And already I’m completely out of ideas.
I need to kick back and let the food ideas just flow through me :).
Well, We’re spontaniously moving at the end of the month. The place across the street emptied out, and it’s a hard to find 4bdrm, and the rent is minimally more. So yes. I have to clean 2 houses, and move one into the other in the next 30 days. And paint the new one too. Whee?
Burt’s Bees is my husband’s favourite lip balm. And since he’s been working double shifts for the past week. I could certainly use some pampering.
Jeepers after reading the above posts I am not sure I have a worthy enough cause……
1 of the 4 kids got a stomach virus of sorts on the night we were suppose to go to Walking with Dinosaurs – therefore missed it…..
This long weekend – another one of my kids got stomach sick (we think and hoping it was “sun stroke” and that it is not a virus…had to come home from visiting my favourite Fair!
Why I deserve a bit of self indulgence: because I’ve had a mystery illness since February, because we moved in June to a new city for one year only, because both my kids start school this week, because I’ve started a new part-time job, because we didn’t stop travelling this summer and I do all the packing, because this is canning week around here, because tomorrow is Hope’s birthday which means birthday party, because tomorrow it is supposed to rain, because all mum’s deserve a little self-indulgence – more than we give in to.
I have two kids. I never sleep. My 4-year-old has destroyed all of my existing beauty products. I don’t get out much. I could really use some pampering. Please, please give me some pampering. 😉
I love Burt’s Bees. I am a lip balm addict. At least I used to be. Back when I did things for me. That’s right, putting on lip balm has even fallen by the wayside. That’s why I need to win.
Great giveaway!
Oh, fun comments from everyone! I just wanted to mention, though, that being “indulgence-worthy” isn’t just about needing a break (although that’s certainly one I relate to!) In fact, what I’d originally intended was to celebrate the little victories in life. Either interpretation is fine, really!
Wonderful giveaway! Sometimes it’s difficult to slow down between working full-time, being a full-time graduate student, and managing thyroid disease. But I try and make time to practice yoga, cook with my husband, or take a hot bath. I’m a fan of Burt’s Bees because they use safe, natural ingredients. 🙂
I just cleaned and organized my room, which was very messy! That deserves a treat! haha
I am slogging through 7 300-plus page technical proposals for the biggest deal ever at work – ugh – but I’m doing it in Victoria – yay! Thoroughly need commending for planning that out, but in need of consolation for missing my wee ones…
And I love BB products.
I spent the weekend clearing and cleaning my garden to prep it for Fall planting. I am pooped, my hands are trashed and I need some Burt Bees loving!
It took just 4 hours, but I got our bedroom cleaned yesterday afternoon. Dusted, vacuumed, de-clutterd, mopped, scrubbed, clean sheets and candles.
Then the just-turned-three Little Man spent his first night away from home, at Nana & Papa’s house. Perhaps I’ve already had my share of indulgences, but I love me some BB’s, so I’m throwing my name in the hat too!
Hey Dani! I just had a great day! I got a suit that fits wonderfully and was on sale. I got a pair of dress shoes that are funky, have a heel AND don’t hurt. And my boss didn’t completely freak out when I told her we needed to find an exit strategy for me. So, I’ve got a great new interview outfit (or three, I didn’t just stop at the suit cause I had my mum there and she’s a bad influence when it’s my credit card) and a boss who’s quite possibly going to help me move on. I’ve had a great weekend with friends and family, my second in a row. I’m turning it around, and I’d love a little something something to keep my momentum going. Yanno?
Anyway, great giveaway. I’m glad that companies like Burt’s Bees are reaching out through bloggers. I wonder if they’ll come and check on these comments? If they are, they should know I’m looking for something to offset the terrible dry skin caused by Ottawa winters! I’m just saying!
LOVE Burt’s Bees!! I’ve only tried a few of their products and would love to try some more! Not to mention the book sounds great!!!
I am finally starting to clean out the clutter! Between my 2 year old son & my 2nd full time job at night I don’t get much time to do any kind of organizing (and I need to desperately.) So getting it started is a feat worthy of a little self indulgence. Maybe a bath & book reading session. 🙂
I’ve had a great relaxing summer, and am kind of dreading the busy fall coming, with school work (triplets in grade 4 now), adult and kid activities, a lot of volunteer work (I’m on a national conference organizing committee), got a garden that’s out of control, and a basement to clear out so we can renovate and finish 2 more rooms down there.
I’m not suffering at the moment, but am going to need lots of BB pampering in a couple more weeks!
Thanks for the offer – love that lip balm 🙂
Well, we are going through the most god-awful restructure at work and morale is at an all-time low. So I think I’m in desperate need of a little pampering! How does that sound for a reason?
I love Burt’s Bees!
I have never attempted to win a giveaway before but this one really interests me! I have an affinity for lip gloss and i’ve been dying to try the Burts Bees one but I vowed to get through the 12 or so misc lip balms that I already have. With 2 little girls about to go to school for the first time I could use a little indulgence!!!
I bought a giant bushel of tomatoes last week and made sauce. I went back to the farm stand this weekand bought two baskets of peaches. I’ve made peach and walnut bread times 6, peach sundaes, and peach cobbler. All while doing my son’s laundry while he was home from college for two days. AND, I have seven kids. Oh, and I also cleaned, ran errands, went to Church, cooked regular meals, etc. Yay me….accomplished most of my goals…and it feels good to write them down and read them back!!
I love Burt’s Bees. I always have the pomegranate lip balm in my pocket, and this summer have enjoyed the relief offered by the after sun.
I am not sure it compares to some of your other readers, but I am a normally solitary (husbands don’t count do they!?!?) person currently having mother in law, sister in law and brother in law staying in our house for a week! I would really like to hide and have some quality time with my cats! 🙂
Please sign me up I’ve been working my fingers to the bone finishing up drafts.
Theresa N
My husband had “out-patient” surgery on Wednesday due to a mass in his neck… he developed double pneumonia in recovery and was admitted for 3 days. It was very stressful and continues to be as we look toward more surgery. Mass is on his carotid artery. I also have two children, 6yrs and 8yrs. I need some “me” time. It’s been a LONG weekend!
Indugle me!
Let’s see I put in (am putting in?) a 60 hour week at work, I am on call this weekend. (All quiet so far.) I got my first call from the principal on Friday (he punched a kid.) And well, I am just feeling a bit “fragile” as a friend of mine put it… oh and I have cramps from hell and a cold.
Also I am totally whiney this week.
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
Big fan of Burt’s Bees. And I’m not sure I even remember what self-indulgence is. Life is too crazy.
I love Burt’s Bees. And I need a little pampering right now…feeling a little blue after taking the Kid off to college yesterday and starting my life in the empty nest. I miss him!
I could use some pampering because I am recovering from surgery. Thanks for the chance to win.
Um. I would list why I need some self-indulgence but then I would cry. Financial troubles! Severely mentally ill baby brother! My youngest kid has some scary medical tests coming up! My fragile elderly grandmother is going in for surgery this week! My husband’s fragile elderly grandfather is going in for surgery this week!
And now I’m going to hide under my desk.
On the plus side, my word verification words? “Hobbling blert.” HAW!
I think I am worthy of this cool prize because I work very hard everyday. I have two blogs, one for my reviews and one for my sanity ( http://IAMNannyAnna.blogspot.com ) plus I work 6 days a week running a baby & maternity shop. I rarely have time to pamper me, I am too busy pampering others that I feel need it more, like my sweet husband, two adorbable grandbabies, my daughters and my dear friends.
I love Burt’s Bees too!!!
Give it to Heidi! She’s been my best bud lately and if I don’t win it she certainly should. Me? I’m just needy and depressed…need a job, need to get away, run as fast as i can actually……you know how it is.
I’m starting a new part time office job this week and letting my mother-in-law babysit my one-year old daughter. I don’t know what is stressing me out more – the new job or the fact that my mother-in-law, who always likes to point out what I could do better, will be taking care of my precious little girl! Oh, and I have always wanted to try Burt’s Bees.
I love to feel pampered, and smooth skin is one big way to make me feel all cherished and loved.
But really, give it to Beck. She needs some sunshine.
I love Burt’s Bees as much as the rest of the folks commenting, but I’m not sure my tale of being tired as school starts and bewildered in the face of Curious Girl’s emotional (over)reaction to the start of Grade One is nearly as compelling as some of the other folks’ stories here!
I am worthy of the indulgence because I just went through back-to-school week with Opa visiting, while celebrating two birthdays and taking in two boys after school for the first time. I think after this past week I deserve a little indulgence.
love the bees! I don’t think I deserve it any more than anybody else, but I’m sick….burning puffy eyes and nose-about-to-explode sick (so you won’t see me tomorrow) so I love the idea of anything that makes me feel better right now. Plus I try to go mostly natural when pregnant and hopefully that will be happening SOON.
I love Burt”s Bees products and with caring for my brother who has Alzheimers I could sure use some pampering.
(Love the new banner – I got the marbles shot – very cool!)
Yum – Burt’s Bees. I’m on the hunt for new baby wash, since our favourite has been discontinued – I should check out Burts. (Damn you, Gerber baby wash!)
i could use some pampering because I have a lot going on right now – toilet training the little one, grade one starting tomorrow for my oldest (who does not handle transition well) and seriously ugly politics at work and a new product I am supposed to deliver that has no end in sight…
Thanks, Dani.
RT @DaniGirl: Did you see the Burt’s Bees giveaway on my blog this weekend? http://bit.ly/X5ih8
Indulge me – because I’m in the midst of packing up the entirety of my house and moving and the stress has not been kind to my skin. Also I love Burt’s Bees… 🙂
RT @DaniGirl Did you see the Burt’s Bees giveaway on my blog this weekend? http://bit.ly/X5ih8
Just got back from my mother’s 70th surprise party that i planned and executed. Most of her friends and family came and showered her with love, gifts and kind wishes. She was thrilled and so surprised. She deserved the party and i deserve some Burt’s Bees 🙂
ooh, this is a popular one. I *heart* Burt’s Bees. Why do I need pampering? Well, it was week one back to daycare and the jelly bean brought home a nasty cold which I woke up with this moring. The hubby still hasn’t any calls for teaching and I may be going on strike. Can you say stress? Ack!
Sure I would love to indulge a little. Being preggy at 37 has made me re-evaluate my personal care routine. I don’t want to be a mom of a 4 year old who looks like a grandma! You know what I am saying 🙂
I will grovel publically for Burt’s Bees and whine that I deserve pampering because Sympatico hates me. I lost my modem in that giant flood that hit Kanata/Stittsville/Carp at the end of July. My basement flooded and ruined my furnace and all the kids’ play kitchens and large toys and I had a giant sinkhole in my yard that I was hoping was a Diefenbunker escape hatch, just for the storytelling prospects, but was only an old well. I’ve been trying to get back online for several weeks now, but Sympatico and their legion of very polite, seemingly helpful, customer “service” reps in New Delhi and Mumbai keep sending me the wrong hardware to make my modem work. I’ve had 3 different packages Express-posted to me, but still am missing what I need to get online at home. In fact, I think I feel a blog post coming on. You know, if I was actually on the Internet and everything.
Also, my washer died.
A reason to be self-indulgent: JUST BECAUSE. thanks!
I didn’t read the comments because then I’d feel guilty for putting in for the Burt’s Bees. I found myself with nothing to do the other day and my sister told me to relax – don’t think I know how! I work three days a week, am a wife and mother, on school council for hot lunch days, check on my widowed mother and go to appointments with my sister who has lung cancer. Even if I don’t win I am going to teach myself to relax and think of how lucky am I for all the good I do have.
Main reason to deserve self-indulgence: I havn’t had the chance to do so in the longest time!!!!! There’s tons of other ones, but some must be kept secret for a little while. Just some 20ish days.
I roasted spaghetti squash at 6 am today, while composing emails as School Council chair, doing laundry, and hot-rollering my hair. If it wasn’t for my pre-dawn checklist, I’d be one hungry, negligent, bad-hair-day-havin’ mess of a mom!
Who doesn’t love Burt?
Worthy of self-indulgence???? Because it makes me a better Mother and Wife!
Holy hell, I think we need to run another one of these Burt’s Bees giveaways — and maybe arrange for some free therapy giveaways, too! *grin*
I’m geeking out here — this is the first time with the new blog theme that we’ve gone over 50 comments and I love how it formatted them into a new column!)
(Ha, captcha = “easier bungle” Yep, for those of you watching on twitter yesterday, I learned just how EASY it is to BUNGLE your wordpress upgrade!)
I’ve been addicted to Burt’s Bees for years! Just saw your tweet and had to get in on it 🙂
Do you think it’s tacky to play the cancer card for a package of Burt’s Bees products? Me too. But I’ve been having a lot of surgery lately (the final one, I hope, is happening this Friday) and my skin wants a treat. A little radiant healthy glow would go a long way right about now!
I have wanted to try Burt’s Bees for a long time now, but I don’t get out shopping much (you know, busy working mom….) I would LOVE to try them out!
How cool would that be! Beach Mama introduced me to Burt a few years ago and I never think to buy it for myself…
I am disgusted at the fact that after a promotion for Green Works promising to get a Burts Bees pkg, they tell me the product is no longer offered due to “limited supply”. Then I find out that Green WOrks and Burts Bees are owned by the sam…e company. They are liars! They promised something and failed to live up to their promises. After calling the company, they said they’d send me a pkg within a week. That was 3 weeks ago, once again they lie! Disappointed in your company service, not your products, but will no longer purchase either one!