A couple of months back, when Marla was visiting with Josie, she made an observation that I’ve since quoted many times, usually to much laughter. She took one look at Lucas and exclaimed, “It’s like Tristan and Simon had a baby!”
It’s true, Lucas is a rather perfect blend of his two older brothers. Beloved has said that he should have been the middle child, so nicely does he bridge the gap between my tall, fair, freckled son with eyes the colour of a stormy ocean and my solid, cheeky, olive-complected son with eyes the colour of melted chocolate. He has Simon’s dark eyes (or should I credit Beloved with those?) and fleshy cheeks with Tristan’s fairness and lankiness. He is, of course, his own man.
I tried making a nice triptych of these in Photoshop, but quickly lost patience. (Why is it I can never get that program to do what I want it to do instead of what I tell it to do — it’s worse than the boys!) This way works well enough.
(We got a lot of mileage out of that high chair, that’s for sure!)
True to their personalities, Lucas and Tristan both look thoughtful, perhaps even pensive, and Simon is hamming it up for the camera.
How lucky am I?
Pretty darn lucky. Gorgeous boys, the whole lot.
Incredibly lucky… and I love the birthday tribute to your youngest adorable one below.