I would have used a different word

Tristan, in a tone of hushed awe as he gazes out the window at the first few of what is forecasted to be in excess of twenty centimeters of snow: “Snow in October? It’s a miracle!”

Snow in October

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

9 thoughts on “I would have used a different word”

  1. Oh, that’s great!

    I love the first snow because it always seems so novel. It’s those blizzards in March that make me sigh …. by then, I’m sick of it.

  2. I totally agree, definitely not a miracle! I just drove home in all that mess 🙂 Luckily it’s not below freezing yet!

  3. I thought of you when I saw the weather warnings. I hope you are all snug at home for the duration.

  4. Yep. I agree, and like the word you may be thinking of I can’t put it in my blog either. I’m hoping the weather person here is WRONG. Sigh.

  5. Oh, he will learn… 😉

    Of course, I grew up in Winnipeg where snow for Halloween was pretty much a given…

  6. Snackmommy2 – yep, now a days there’s not so much snow. But back in the 80s when I was trick-or-treating I remember there being snow most years. Or at least bitter, bitter cold…

  7. If we have snow by Halloween, it’s usually a trace amount, but cold….hell ya!

    ….can I say hell on your blog Dani?

  8. Oops, that should be “hell yeah”, as in what can I dress in that would look remotely good over my parka

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