They’re Canadian; of course I had to sign the boys up for skating lessons!
They’d never been on skates before. The morning started out with a lot of this:
After a while of crawling around on the ice, Tristan had progressed to this:
I honestly never expected him to get to this during his very first lesson:
But, most of the time was spent more like this:
Simon was content to stay more or less like this:
Guess which one said he wants to sign up for hockey lessons next year, and which one said he thinks he’ll stick with swimming?
Lol !!!!!
Love the pics.
My Ramekin wants to go skating. I’m going to try for this winter when they put up the outdoor rink… I grew up on skates, so I’m looking forward to it.
Terrific photos!
Way to go boys!
Reid took lessons last winter and again in the summer. I had to go with her due to her age and she was convinced that she needed my support to skate. She is skating at school and with the 1:8 ratio, there aren’t enough adults to go around and so she is skating – and falling and getting back up – alone and feels like a hero for it. How great is it when our kids impress themselves as well as us?
You will be amazed how quickly they will progress. Then you can join the ranks of us hockey moms. God bless us all!