Food week: leftovers

(Sorry, this post would have been up two days ago, but I keep getting sucked into Twitter. I can either blog or play on Facebook or follow Twitter, but have yet mastered the art of staying current on all three. Laundry is also optional.)

Found a few new food faves lately, and thought I’d share.

At Marla’s recommendation (no, really, it’s worth reading, we’ll wait here until you get back), I went out this weekend and bought some “Freenut” butter. Oh, sweet peanutty goodness, was it ever delicious!! It was a little more expensive than regular peanut butter, but about the same price as the organic stuff I’ve been buying since I heard peanuts are one of the most heavily pesticided foods. Less than $5 a jar, anyway. And did I mention delicious? No, really! I was eating it right out of the jar, and it makes a superb afternoon snack when you dip freshly picked apple slices in it. (Apple picking post to follow.) It’s made from soy nuts instead of peanuts, but I honestly don’t think I could tell the difference. And it’s healthier, too. Best of all, Tristan loves it. Marla, I bow down before your awesomeness.

Speaking of soy, I tried something else new this week. Have you heard of edamame? Also, YUM! They’re baby soy beans, kind of like snow peas but you don’t eat the pod (I learned after I tried to eat the first three and did a quick google to find out whether it was supposed to have the texture of twigs as I masticated it.) Fresh and nutty, and you eat them with a sprinkle of my favourite indulgence: coarse salt. They count as a protein in my Plan B diet.

And speaking of protein, I found an interesting new way to eat tuna this week, too. I’m a fan of the occasional tuna-fish sandwich, especially very cold and mixed liberally with mayo and finely chopped onions. Since I tend to save my breads and cereals for breads for breakfast and dinner, I’ve dropped the tuna sandwich from my lunch rotation. I know tuna is a reasonably healthy protein choice, but it’s just way too fishy to eat without that slathery mayo goodness, IMHO. Then I discovered spicy Thai chili tuna from CloverLeaf. The spice covers up the fishiness, and I ate the whole can (two servings of protein, only 140 calories) and some leftover grilled peppers and zucchini (free!) for a really delicious lunch.

And speaking of Plan B, I’ve now officially lost 10 lbs in 28 days! Yay me! Half way to my goal in the first month. Not bad, eh?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

5 thoughts on “Food week: leftovers”

  1. My kids LOVE edamame! They are easy to prepare, packed with protien and fun to eat!

    I even put some leftovers in little snack baggies and send them with school lunch.

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like you’re doing great with your new eating habits. Keep it up!

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