Wherein Tristan has Beloved’s number

We’re getting ready to go out to visit some friends for dinner, and Beloved is taking a, erm, bathroom break. I’ve recently taken to teasing him that he uses the bathroom as a refuge. He has his book in there and the door locks. Can you blame him?

“When are we going?” asks Simon.

“As soon as Daddy is done in the bathroom,” I answer, putting diapers in the pack for Lucas.

The boys are giggling. “Oh, then we have lots of time!” Tristan says, and I laugh out loud. Apparently I’m not the only one who has noticed.

“Yeah,” adds Simon, “Daddy takes a LONG time in the bathroom! We could be here all day!” By now all three of us are laughing.

Tristan mimics holding a book out in front of him, squinting one eye and staring at the imaginary page with the other. “I’m busy!” he says in a gruff but accurate impression of Beloved. “I still have to finish this chapter.”

Lampooned by our own children. I expected this, but not nearly so soon!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

3 thoughts on “Wherein Tristan has Beloved’s number”

  1. OH my gosh, you could be talking about my husband! When he’s in there, we just sit back and get ready for a loooonng wait.

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