Vote, eh?

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of the Canadian Blog Awards, and I even played along this year in the administration of the awards this year, judging eligibility in a few categories and participating in a loose sort of e-mail advisory board on the set-up and direction of the awards. (Disclosure: I didn’t do any judging in a category in which I made a nomination – and I nominated quite a few blogs this year! – or in which I was nominated.)


Now, the nominees are in and it’s time to vote! There are two rounds of voting. The first round will winnow the category down to five blogs, and the second round will choose the winners. New this year, you can only vote once during the entire round of voting – I have no idea how I’m going to choose in some categories!

I nominated a couple of blogs in the Best Family Blog category: Under the Mad Hat and Where am I Going and Why am I in this Handbasket are smart, thoughtful and often funny bloggers that I deeply admire, and I’m honoured to be nominated along with them. Andrea and Bub and Pie have been nominated in the Best Blogosphere Citizen category, and Cinnamon Gurl has my vote locked for Best Art/Photo Blog. Suze at work in progress… gets my vote for Best Personal Blog, and Ali’s got a new blog nominated for Best Entertainment/Culture Blog.

(There are many, many more – I’m just running out of time to throw together this post!)

So you don’t have to vote every day, but it would be wonderful if you’d vote once per round — and you don’t have to be Canadian to vote, just someone who appreciates Canadian blogs. And, well, you know me well enough by now to know that I’d be really happy if you’d happen to vote for me!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

3 thoughts on “Vote, eh?”

  1. Count me flattered to have your vote. Thanks! I’m just glad not to be up against all my favourite bloggers… this only voting once thing is pretty tough, especially in the best family blog category.

  2. Whoa, you’ve listed some people here that I didn’t even realize were nominated. I’ll have to see if I glanced over any categories too quickly.

    And again, thanks for the nomination.

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