Contemplating February 1st

I had to laugh. Remember when I talked about my obsession with Survivor and how it’s been deeply intertwined with my reproductive years? I wrote about how Simon was born on the morning of the first episode of the first Survivor All-Stars season in 2004, and what a valiant effort I made to stay up late enough to watch it – from my hospital room – after being up since 6 am the morning before.

So this week on the latest Survivor grand finale, Jeff Probst announced that the next Survivor series will be yet another all-star season, this one “fans versus favourites“, and it’s scheduled to start February 7 – a week past my official due date of Febuary 1st. Anyone want to lay a bet that I’ll be welcoming the new baby into the world by watching the first episode from my hospital bed – again?


The other thing about my due date of February 1 is that it’s Simon’s birthday. How inconvenient!

I’m thinking about boosting his birthday party up by a week or even two. You think the average about-to-be four-year-old would notice? Or care?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

17 thoughts on “Contemplating February 1st”

  1. I think that a party, with gifts, whenever it happens is what will concern an almost-4 year old. Ken is scheduled to be in Afghanistan for Reid’s birthday and so we will be celebrating early. And then I’ll do something for her birthday-day as well. My friend let her July-born have a party in June so that his school friends would come and that was a hit.

  2. ooooh, I simply canNOT wait for Fan vs Favorites!!! Historically, the premiere episode of Survivor is what CBS gives me for my birthday 🙂

    we rarely have kid’s birthday parties on the day of their birthday. We tend to schedule for convenience, bumping up or back as needed. Like Barbara said, if it is a party with gifts and balloons and what not, i think they are happy with it!

  3. I’m willing to bet that the average 4 year old would LOVE an early birthday party. I’m actually convinced that the average 4 year old would be thrilled if he could celebrate his birthday today, for that matter.

  4. I’m probably the one person to every suggest this, but would you consider getting induced? I was induced with Christos and it was the best experience ever. I was due August 5th and I had him on August 1st. The quickest labour ever! Everything went smoothly, and because of my experience I would recommend it to others, if your doctor would agree, if your cervix is favourable, etc… that way you could give baby number 3 a different birthday from your other son! (Unless of course you go into labour early or a few days late!) And of course, his party can be a week early… 🙂

  5. Hooray for Survivor All-Stars! No, I think a party at whatever time is great for a soon-to-be-4-year-old. If presents are there, he’ll be happy!

  6. as long as there are presents and cake, he won’t care.

    i’m looking forward to survivor as well. i was pissed that i missed an episode while i was in the hospital – can you believe they only had crappy closed-circuit tv with parenting shows from 1984 available?

  7. I agree with Kathryn: the average 4 year old would be thrilled if he could celebrate his birthday today. 🙂

  8. Hi there! I love Survivor, too. I think watchin Survivor in the hospital room would be great! Did you watch the Early Show this morning?

  9. LOL – Annika has the best-est comment Evah!

    I say it’s all about the party and not about the date for the average soon-to-be-four-year-old! Good luck!

  10. Heh. I know a family that had a party for their soon to be 3 year old, one month early so it wouldn’t be overshadowed by the arrival of the baby.

    Of course, the baby was pre-mature and arrived on the date of the party!

  11. Lucky for them, the full compliment of family (all the grandparents) were in town for the birthday party. Which meant some were with mom when she delivered and others were with dad at the (thankfully) outsourced party (indoor playground).

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