Five pounds and counting

I had an ultrasound on Friday morning, and the baby is looking chubby, healthy and altogether lovely.

It was the first chance this pregnancy that Beloved has had to come to an ultrasound with me. (You think we’re getting a little bit jaded about this whole pregnancy thing? I would have been scandalized had he missed one of Tristan’s ultrasounds!)

The Player to be Named Later – we really do have to get on with that naming thing – is looking, according to the locquacious ultraound technician, “lovely” and “gorgeous” and “perfect” and even “helpful” in turning just the right way so she could get her measurements.

Since she was in there poking around anyway, I asked her if she could confirm the gender for me. It’s not like I didn’t see it myself the last time, but I just couldn’t quite shake off those “girly” type thoughts. Sure enough, magnified on the screen that couldn’t be more obvious, she showed us his penis and scrotum and said, “Well, unless these bits fall off sometime between now and when he makes his way out, it’s definitely a boy!”

He’s a big boy, too. On Friday I was exactly 32 weeks along, and he should be about 4 lbs, but he’s measuring 5 lbs. I’m hardly surprised, of course. She said he has (and this made me laugh) a “perfectly reasonable” sized head, but a big torso and very long legs. Another string bean like Tristan, from the sounds of it, who was long and lanky at 9 lbs but nearly 24 inches at birth and has been over the 90th percentile for height ever since.

Beloved had a much clearer view of the screen than I did, and he said he thought the baby had a distinct resemblance to Simon in that his head was round and cheeky, rather than Tristan’s more elongated face. The tech commented “Somebody is hungry” and I wasn’t sure if she was talking about my growling stomach or what, but at that point Beloved said he could see the baby clearly smacking his lips, just before he popped his thumb in his mouth. This, of course, gave me my first bad-mommy guilt moment. “The baby is hungry? And I barely had anything for breakfast. Oh my god, he’s not even born yet and I’m already starving my child!” And we promptly made our way to the nearest drive-thru Tim’s to feed that poor starving child some doughnuts.

I was giddy with relief by the time we were done, knowing that he seems to be doing so well. I love that he’s now big enough to be healthy even if he were to be born today. He’s crossed the threshold from abstract concept to a real little person – that’s my baby boy in there, and he’s almost ready to come out!

And with that thought in mind, Beloved and I spent the rest of the day together shopping for minivans… which I will tell you about tomorrow.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

7 thoughts on “Five pounds and counting”

  1. Oh, Dani, that’s all so exciting! I love the way you can get a feel for what he will look like. And your last bit about starving him reminded me so much of myself. Strange how we can blame ourselves for anything and everything, right? I can’t wait until he gets here.
    Now, please tell us about the mini-van hunt.

  2. After your doughnut binge, if you name him Timothy we will all point and laugh, you know!

    Tremendously wonderful. I love how they’re their own person, just tucked away for a bit more.

    Oh, minivans – that ought to be good!

  3. Dani, I have the biggest grin on my fast right now. I can’t wait to meet him…and teach him about Aero bars.

  4. what a great story — it’s easy to forget the joy in seeing them become little people right before our ultra-sounded aided eyes. i’m so happy!

  5. Just the update I needed to hear. Hugs!!!

    as for the name game…that’s easy…right? right? wink wink nudge nudge – RIGHT??????????

  6. OK I had to LOL When you drove to Timmy’s for some Doughnuts for the BABY!!!!

    To funny.

    He sounds beautiful but all you have had is beautiful boys!No Surprise there.

    Can’t wait to meet Player!
    That’s his name right?

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