Random bullets of belly

  • I was never entirely sure, during my first two pregnancies, whether I was carrying like a watermelon or like a basketball. I always suspected I was vaguely more watermelonish. This time, the belly is definitely higher and more out in front – aha, basketball.
  • In light of the above, I have now reached a point in this pregnancy where there is more belly suspended out in space than cradled in the not-insignificant cavity created by my pelvic bones.
  • The Player to be Named Later seems to have an especially strong relationship with gravity.
  • He also never. stops. moving. In fact, I love this, as it’s like having my own little party going on all day long. There is nothing better than sitting in a boring meeting at work feeling him thumping happily and stretching this way and that. It’s like having a private conversation that favours nobody but me.
  • I have been telling myself that this constant activity in utero is a sign of a placid, mellow baby. Please do not disabuse me of this notion.
  • I have also reached a point where the baby and I are engaged in an endless battle over territory. He thinks the owns the place, and is oblivious to my claim that I was here first.
  • Despite the fact of having clearly and unmistakably seen this baby’s exterior plumbing components, and having the male gender confirmed by the ultrasound tech, because of the differences in the way I am carrying this one and the fact that the dream never actually dies, I occasionally wonder if maybe I wasn’t seeing an index finger instead of, you know, a penis.
  • I’m very glad that I had a low-lying placenta early in this pregnancy, which necessitated one more ultrasound next week. Just so I can be sure, once and for all, that he is in fact a he.
  • The belly, obvious as it is, comes in very handy and I am not at all shy about milking it for all it’s worth.
  • I’m all about the “expectant mother” parking spots.
  • A few mornings a week, I get on a bus that is standing room only, and someone has always given up their seat for me.
  • While I feel mildly guilty about turfing someone else from their seat for the 40 minute ride, I haven’t yet declined.
  • On the other hand, I’m getting annoyed about what I can’t do. I shovelled the driveway the other night after we had 10 cm of wet snow fall. In retrospect, that wasn’t such a great idea, but I clearly remember shovelling the driveway throughout both my previous pregnancies and am getting tired of asking people to do stuff for me.
  • I still have a little more than 10 weeks to go.
  • This seems, in theory, like a very long time. However, with Beloved’s birthday, a conference in Toronto, Christmas and potentially Simon’s birthday in the interim, I’m thinking it’s really not going to seem like very long at all.
  • While I’m looking forward to his arrival, I’m content to keep him tucked in here for a while yet. No diapers, no feedings, and two arms free seems like a fair trade off for comfortable sitting, lying or walking. For now.
  • Author: DaniGirl

    Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

6 thoughts on “Random bullets of belly”

  1. “He thinks the owns the place, and is oblivious to my claim that I was here first.”

    I’m still having this battle — over three years later!

    That’s the thing I miss most about pregnancy … feeling the movement inside. Mind if I stretch a virtual hand across and have a wee feel of your belly?

  2. Okay seriously? Isn’t even going to the bathroom uncomfortable at this stage, Dani? Or is it just me?
    What about sleeping… my back is suffering! Side to side, all night long!
    But overall… as the days go by the closer I get to meeting my new baby boy and nothing is more wonderful then that! I have a baby who moves all the time, too. It is awesome! Sometimes in meetings I am embarassed that people around the table can see my stomach moving… haha!

  3. Hi! Long time reader, first time poster here. Just thought I would give you a comparison story to cling to. My Maxim wouldn’t stop moving, 24/7 and he is a pretty mellow baby. Actually so mellow that he is 7 months old and still doesn’t see the need to roll over! Enjoy the last 10 weeks!

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