I was going to save this meme for later in the week, but I got so wrapped up in the writing of it that I couldn’t bear to leave it in the can.
Veronica at Toddled Dredge wrote a post about posts she has not written, and one of those topics was seized upon by her commenters as a post that should be written. Thus, the meme that wasn’t, but is: my top ten ‘snoggable’ literary characters.
This was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I mean, a “kissable” character is not the same as a “favourite” literary character. Arthur Dent from the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy, for example, and Garp, while among my favourite and most memorable literary characters, are not exactly the ones I’d most like to lock lips with. Plus, I’ve lamented before about my absolutely horrible memory for the details of a book once I’ve closed the cover for the last time. But once I got rolling, I realized that (a) there are lots of kissable literary characters out there and (b) I have ecclectic tastes in literature – and men.
My top ten most snoggable literary characters are:
10. Andy, the narrator from Generation X. I’m a sucker for a quick wit and tasty turns of phrase.
9. Jasper Jackson from The Calligrapher. An artist, a lover of poetry and a sensualist… but above all, a rogue. I’ve never been immune to the charms of a rogue.
8. Remus Lupin from the Harry Potter series. I almost chose Sirius Black for this slot, but it’s his fierceness that I find attractive. For kissability, you want the more sensitive soul, right? Lupin it is.
7. Luke Skywalker. You may argue that he isn’t exactly a literary character, but it was in reading the book that my 10-year-old self truly pined for Luke Skywalker.
6. Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind. See rogue comment above. (Not so much the movie version, though. I think the moustache detracts from the kissability factor.)
5. Henry DeTamble from The Time Traveler’s Wife. Swoon.
4. Holden Caufield, from Catcher in the Rye. Moody and dark… and maybe I could ‘save’ him with a few good kisses?
3. Ricardo Carlos Manoso, aka “Ranger“, from Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum books. Mysterious, dark, rich and almost unbearably sexy. I’m not ordinarily a fan of the darkly handsome, but Ranger must be the hottest character in fiction. Ever.
2. Louis de Pointe du Lac from the Vampire Chronicles. Lestat is way too arrogant, but Louis is sensitive, and thoughtful, and oh so sensual. Plus, Brad Pitt plays him in the movie. I mean really, this one was a no-brainer.
1. Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders. My inner-14-year-old left no doubt that this would be my number-one choice. Vulnerable, thoughtful, and a writer, but fiercely loyal and tough enough to fight for what he believes in. Sigh.
Want to play along? Consider yourself tagged!
Now I want to read Janet Evanovich’s books. Hmm.
(and psst! It’s Toddled Dredge – common mistake.)
Oh….I’m so glad that you said Rhett Bulter. He’s the epitomy of snoggable literary characters to me…. well, Rhett and Lord Peter Wimsey.
Sorry Veronica, that was simply a typo – I’d caught it and fixed it just as you were commenting.
I thought of, and discarded, Henry DeTamble, but Ponyboy! How could I have forgotten him?
Will envisioning Eric Bana affect Henry De Tamble’s snoggability?
It’s filming here right now, and my boss is working on it and says it’s going to at least look good!
And no Nick Hornby characters? Even John Cusack as a Nick Hornby character?
Hmmm, he’s a tiny bit bonier and paler than I pictured Henry – but he’s close enough!
You know me a bit too well, Marla! I did consider Rob Fleming for a while, but I think I covered the vulnerable angst angle pretty well overall!
Hi there…first visit here, I think. I really enjoyed reading your answers.
Your point about Louis is taken. However, I like Lestat’s arrogance. I like the contrast of his brashness and his sensitivity, which is there, but gaurded because he dislikes being hurt. Louis is also very snoggable, but in some ways I found him to be a bit of a weenie. Lestat takes the world by the balls and makes no apology for it.
I too thought of Henry DeTamble, but ultimately chose not to include him, though if I could have chosen more than ten, he definitely would have made the cut.
Great list! (First time visitor here)
I put Louis de Pointe du Lac on my list, too, my not quite as literary list.
mmmm…pony boy…
i will most definitely be playing along…i LOVE this one!
I’d have picked Sirius and Sodapop Curtis. But then, I always like making out with the dark brooding boys.
love this meme!
How about Rourke in J.D. Robb “in Death” series?? The Irish god, in my opinion. Who could play him in a movie though???
How about Rourke in J.D. Robb’s “in Death” series??
The Irish god, in my opinion.
Who could play him in a movie though???
What about what’s his name… from the Gunslinger series (Stephen King)? I totally forgot his name…
And don’t you think Rachel McAdams is a great Clare? I do!