I’m *so* excited!
I bought my tickets back in April, but I swear, I have been waiting to see this concert since I was ten years old. Finally, tonight, we’re going to see Rush! With 100-level seats, no less! I’m beside myself with anticipation.
I’ve always loved Rush.
For my 12th birthday, my folks replaced my little suitcase record player with an actual real stereo – the kind with the smoked plastic box lid, and honest-to-goodness speakers. And they gave me two albums, AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (I still remember my mother blanching when she read the lyrics on the liner) and Rush’s Moving Pictures. I’ve long since outgrown my AC/DC phase, but Moving Pictures is still one of my favourite albums of all time.
When I was in high school, my first serious, painful and perhaps even partially requited crush was on a boy named Greg who played the clarinet in my music class. While I remained a band-class geeky good girl, Greg went from clarinet player to headbanger, hanging out in the smoker’s pit and wearing almost exclusively those black concert T-shirts with the white sleeves. Although we were never officially a couple, we were almost inseparable around the time I turned 16, from sharing a locker to spending endless hours loitering in downtown doughnut shops… talking about our mutual favourite band, Rush. Twenty years later, Rush’s Freewill and the 2112 album still evoke the then-delicious smell of cigarette smoke and cold air on his leather jacket as I wore it to class. I blame him for my lifelong affection for bad boys with good hearts… and for deepening my appreciation of Rush’s back catalogue.
All these years later, though I’m no longer charmed by the smell of cigarette smoke on black leather, I still consider Rush one of my five favourite bands of all time. Really, it’s a bit of a surprise that I haven’t seen them before now. Only Paul Simon and Billy Joel remain on my all-time must-see list. (I have eclectic – some might say antiquated – tastes in music!)
When we went to see REM in 2004 (scratching out another favourite on my lifetime concert to-go list), I was extremely disappointed when they played only two or three songs from their back catalogue. I mean, no Shiny Happy People, no Orange Crush, not even Everybody Hurts. So tonight, I’ve got my fingers crossed to hear a few faves. If I hear at least a few of these, I’ll go home happy:
- Spirit of Radio
- Freewill
- Red Barchetta
- Limelight
- and my favourite of all, Closer to the Heart.
What’s the equivalent to Rush in your life? First album, most evocative song, must-see but not yet attended concert?
I am so jealous!!! Have a great time!
Do you have an older brother? I’ve got a theory that the only girls that like Rush are the girls with cool older brothers. I didn’t have a cool older brother, so I jokingly refer to Rush as The Woman Repellers.
That said, their T.O. gig was the other night, and all of my friends with cool older brothers said the show rocked. Have fun!
Ha! Sorry to blow your theory, kgirl, but I only have a cool younger (by five years) brother whom I did my best to corrupt. I don’t think he’s much of a Rush fan, though.
Granted, Rush will never win awards for the handsomest Canadian rockers, but anybody with fingers that agile doesn’t need looks to get the girl, KWIM???
I’ll be there too Danigirl!
It’s gonna be great. I’ve had my tickets since April as well.
Have fun! Jeff saw them earlier this summer and said that the show was fantastic.
I’m laughing at your comment, Dani. My highschool girlfriend and I used to joke that if we were going to be groupies, that we’d pick Geddy Lee from Rush, because there would probably be a shorter line-up of other girls waiting to do the same. Enjoy the concert.
For me, I think the band would be Led Zeppelin, ithinking about it brings back being 16, sitting in that same gf’s older brother’s room with all the black light posters, drinking beer and listening to Zoso and In Through the Out Door. Not much chance of seeing them in concert though, what with the dead drummer and all. Oh, and stop by my blog, I have something for you.
Sounds like a fun time!
I think for me it was U2, but I did see them live in concert (a very long time ago).
I’ve not seen that many concerts in my life, though. Enjoy!!
I can bet that you’ll LOVE the concert. I bought my hubby tickets for Father’s Day and we attended the concert in August. He loved it, along with the 20 something – 50 something head bangers. I was just along for the ride but it was still enjoyable even though I’m not a true blue fan. More than THREE HOURS of music….you’ll be in heaven. Enjoy!
The Police are my Rush.
Favorite song: “Born in the Fifties” off their first album “Outlandos D’Amour”
Dani- I saw them Wednesday here in TO. Just posted about it … they played Spirit of the Radio, Limelight, Free Will. I would have loved Closer to the Heart too, but I lost it when they did Subdivisions, Tom Sawyer, and then the amazing encore. I get chills remembering the sound.
Have a great time – you will ROCK girl!
Forgot to answer your question… I’m thinking about the CURE concert, when they come to N. Am. next year. Brings me back to when I was first dating DH, we were huge fans.
BTW, how cool are your parents that they got you AC/DC and Rush albums for your 12th birthday!
Hmm.. I don’t really have a Rush, since I was that angsty teenager, dressed all in black listening to music that you couldn’t possibly make out the words for the screeching (go ahead and laugh… Really, it’s ok.)
My husband was like that though about Elton John. Seriously. It’s a good thing I love the man, ’cause really.
Hope you have a fabulous time at the concert and they play all your favorites. Really, you’re there… isn’t that a good enough reason? 🙂
How was the concert? My brother is a huge Rush fan and he was there too…while I was shakin’ my ass at the Beastie Boys concert. Woo hoo for concerts!!
To answer your question…I’d give anything to see either the Beatles or Led Zeppelin in concert, both of which will never happen. They were hugely influential on me as a kid and as a teen and they’re both bands I still listen to and absolutely LOVE to this day. I saw The Jason Bonham Band play in a little dive in my hometown and it was, to date, the best concert I’ve ever seen. It was just like seeing Zeppelin; their lead singer was Plant’s double. It was great!!
For me, it WAS Rush. And The Who.
And The Police, Genesis, and The Kinks.
Oh. Van Halen too!
I loved Rush but another band that brings back my childhood or TEENAGE years was Supertramp. I loved Breakfasted in America Album and YES I seen that tour. It was awesome. Fool’s Overture was my favorite song and I loved seeing that performed live!
I’m still totally jealous. Actually my daughter and her friends love Rush. One of Miranda’s friends was at that concert. He’s a huge Rush fan.
And 100 level seats…I may not speak to you again. 😉