Potty humour

We’re having a little trouble with Simon’s ongoing potty training. He’s doing amazing withe the peeing, and has been dry day and night for days, with a few accidental exceptions. The other business, though, has been a bit of a challenge. Because I don’t want this to turn into a huge deal for him, we were willing to let him regress to pooping in a diaper for at least the short term, but he will have none of it. Now, he will poop neither in the potty nor in his diaper. He walks around the house knock-kneed, obviously clenching his poor little butt. Poor thing!

So I was chatting about the situation with some of my mommy friends, and one of them (hi Susan!) sent me a few links to various sites with potty advice, including this one: http://www.medhelp.org/forums/ChildBehavior/messages/32866.html. The last entry contains this parenting testimonial:

“We had a similar situation with our daughter at about 3 years of age. We even tried putting a diaper on her, but cutting a hole in it and having her sit on the toilet.”

I admit it, I laughed. Loudly. Suddenly, I had a painfully clear image of me, sitting at the kitchen table with a pair of scissors, a stack of de-assed diapers piled neatly at my elbow.

I shouldn’t laugh too loud. If the poor boy doesn’t empty his bowels soon, I may yet be de-assing those diapers…

Can you think of any classically bad parenting advice you’ve received over the years?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

One thought on “Potty humour”

  1. That children will not survie on Breast milk. This coming from my Infamous FIL. So far only one of his 7 grand children has been only given formula. The rest we breast fed and are Doing Nicely thank you. When he said this a few months back after my latest SIL had just given birth I laughed and said I guess my kids are Corpses and so are Dan’s Kids.

    He looked stupid after that!

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