Motion denied

I would like to put forth a motion to amend the bylaws, please. There should be a rule that the body is only allowed to house one virus at a time. Multiple viruses will not be permitted to inhabit the body. Specificially, cough-inducing chest cold viruses shall completely vacate the premises before the arrival of migraine-accompanied stomach viruses.

I would further like to move that all viruses be banned from inhabiting the body when said body is up to its eyeballs in work, or when the progeny are dealing with their own viruses.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

12 thoughts on “Motion denied”

  1. Feel better! I too have a chest cold, seems it has lasted for over two weeks now. I had a dreadful night with baby last night, he woke up crying at midnight and got me in such a panic mode I might have had a mild heart attack. We’ve been through so much that ever time he cries in the middle of the night, I think automatically it’s another UTI and another visit to CHEO is needed in the middle of the night. I tried not to panic, though, and did not take his temperature for fear he had a fever. I wrote about this on my blog because I had to clear my head, too. Drop by if you can. I need mommy hugs today!

  2. That’s the problem with those private members’ bills. They never get the needed momentum even when they have merit and integrity. If I were you, I would agitate for a non-confidence vote and just bring down the whole government.

  3. Can we add that each household should be allowed only one member with a virus at any given time? Especially only one parent at a time.
    Being sick s*cks. Hope this passes quickly.

  4. And if you do, in fact, have the power to implement this amendment, please second my motion that any one house can only have one body stricken with a virus at any one time. No colonizing an entire family of bodies!

  5. It’s almost easier when everyone gets sick. Then you don’t have the healthy people wanting to do things! At my house that would be my beloved. Everyone will be sick or fighting something and he makes us all go outside and do an activity like toboganning! It’s at this point that evryone gets really really sick!
    That anoys me.

  6. Here Here!
    Speaking as one who is picking up her 15th millionth cold or flu this season.
    Pray that Miranda doesn’t get it till she gets back from Spain.
    Here I thought I was past all this finally. HA! they said.

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